What do the Temptations prove about Jesus? 3mks Jesus has power to defeat evil Jesus must be the divine Son of God, or he could not defeat evil Jesus knows he can defeat evil, and he is now ready to start his ministry
Jesus’ ministry: Caesarea Philippi What sort of things did Jesus start doing after his baptism and temptations? Guess from the pictures & write them down. **What do you think people at that time would have thought about Jesus?
Caesarea Philippi is a bustling Roman city. Jesus is with his 12 disciples in the area nearby, but does not go to the city. They are resting from their ministry, when Jesus starts a conversation with them. 1.Put the conversation in order. Write it out. 2.Why is Peter’s exclamation “You are the Christ” so important? 3.How does Jesus react to Peter’s exclamation? **Why did Jesus want this to be kept as “The Messianic Secret”? 6, 1, 8, 3, 7, 4, 2, 9, 5
Draw Jesus in conversation with Peter at Caesarea Philippi Speech bubble from memory who says what But who do you say that I am?
The atmosphere gets darker The Divine “Must” In the conversation, find where the word “must” appears. Why is this word being used? Why did Jesus react so sharply, calling Peter “Satan”, when Peter rebuked him for talking about suffering? Draw a line graph marking on it what people are saying about Jesus as high points or low points, showing how the atmosphere is getting steadily darker Ministry: wonder- worker! Prophet! John the Baptist! Peter: You are the Messiah! The Son of Man MUST suffer Peter: This must not happen to you! Get behind me, Satan! You do not think in God’s way.
Why was the Conversation at Caesarea Philippi important? It was the first time that… 1.Jesus was recognised as the Son of God 2.Jesus was recognised as the Christ, the Messiah 3.Jesus spoke about his vocation to be a suffering Messiah 4.Jesus told them to tell people who he was really 5.Peter showed he understood Jesus 6.Jesus could trust his disciples