Pawpaw The dark green leaves of Pawpaw have a tropical look, with their large, shiny blades that are distinctly obovate (widest just behind the leaf tip). They often hang down like "dog ears" from the twigs, and may display a clear yellow or golden brown autumn color. The light green immature fruits are borne singly or in fused clusters from the thin twigs, and ripen to a yellow-brown tasty fruit in late summer, often quickly consumed by wild animals.
large, tropical-looking foliage, and prized for its delicious fruits that mature in late summer. When found in the open, it may reach 25 feet tall and 15 feet wide as an individual tree. The smooth, thin, gray bark of Pawpaw becomes more warty and rough with increasing trunk girth.
Austrian Pine Leaf: Evergreen needles, 4 to 6 inches long, flexible with two thick, dark green needles per fascicle. Fruit: Cones are ovoid, 2 to 3 inches long, yellow-brown needles do not readily break when bent back on themselves needles sharp often confused with P. resinosa whose needles snap readily and area not especially sharp to the touch
Bark: Brown to gray, developing gray-brown ridges and dark brown furrows. Form: A medium sized tree reaching up to 100 feet tall with a very dense crown (needles retained up to 4 years) that eventually develops a flat top.
Pitch Pine Leaf: Evergreen needles, 2 1/2 to 5 inches long, with three twisted needles per fascicle, yellow-green to green. Fruit: Cones are ovoid, 2 to 4 inches long, light brown in color
Bark: Dark and scaly when young, developing red- brown or yellow-brown thick flat plates with deep furrows; sprouts of needles may be present on the trunk. Form: Extremely variable; short and poorly formed on poor sites, but can be a straight, medium sized tree reachin 80 feet tall on better sites; epicormic sprouting is common.
Red Pine Red Pine has two medium green to dark green needles per bundle. They persist for up to four years on the twigs and branchlets, giving this pine tree a very dense appearance. The characteristic that sets the five-inch long needles of this pine apart from other pines in eastern North America is their tendency to snap or break when bent.
Red Pine grows to 50 feet tall by 30 feet wide, with a medium growth rate. Its shape is upright oval in youth, becoming more spreading but still symmetrical with age brown cones are about two inches long, and do not have prickles on the backside of their scales. Twigs of Red Pine are scaly and orange-red, while immature bark on young trees is flaky to scaly and orange-red to red-brown in color. On older trees, the bark is platy with a darker red-brown color.
Scotch Pine The relatively short needles of Scotch Pine range from bluish- green to medium green to yellow-green, and occur in bundles of two. The most distinguishing trait of these needles is their twisted shape and bluish color Also known as Scots Pine, this pine has a crooked or twisted trunk that may split into several widely divergent branches at maturity
Frequently leaning with age, it may grow to 50 feet tall by 30 feet wide when found in the open The orange, flaky bark of the upper trunk and large branches of Scotch Pine is its most recognizable feature from a distance, on mature trees. However, the lower trunk has bark that is strikingly different, composed of gray or reddish- brown fissures and plates.
Virginia Pine (Scrub Pine) Leaf: Evergreen needles, 1 1/2 to 3 inches long, with 2 yellow-green, twisted, somewhat divergent needles per fascicle. Fruit: Conical to ovoid cones are 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long, sessile and persistent
Bark: Orange-brown and scaly on young trees; older stems develop thin, small, scaly plates, cinnamon colored patches often on upper parts of trunk. Form: A small to medium sized tree reaching up to 70 feet tall, eventually develops a flat top sparse crown
White Pine Leaf: Evergreen needles, 3 to 5 inches long, with five, slender, flexible needles per fascicle Cones are 4 to 7 inches long, cylindrical, with thick, rounded cone scales, very resinous
Bark: On young trees, thin, smooth and gray-green with some lighter splotty patches; later becoming thick, reddish brown to gray-brown with prominent finely scaly, rounded, long ridges and darker furrows. Form: A large tree with a very straight trunk often reaching well over 100 feet in height. The crown is conical when young, later developing wispy, horizontal, upturning branches.
Poison Ivy Poison ivy is a woody shrub or vine with hairy-looking aerial roots. It grows to 10 feet or more, climbing high on trees, walls and fences or trails along the ground. All parts of poison ivy, including the roots, are poisonous at all times of the year.
Poison ivy is a nuisance to people, but it provides considerable wildlife value. The white, waxy berries are a popular food for songbirds during fall migration and in winter when other foods are scarce
Red Bud (Eastern) Smooth, heart-shaped, deciduous foliage does not have significant fall color.
Tree with short trunk, rounded crown of spreading branches, and pink flowers that cover the twigs in spring. Redbud is a ft. tree with one to several picturesque, maroon-purple trunks and a wide, umbrella- like crown.
Red Cedar Fragrant; mature needles 1/16 inch long, shiny, dark green and scale-like, pressed close to form 4- sided twigs; young needles up to 3/8 inch long, pointed and prickly. On female trees only, round, fleshy and berrylike, ¼ to 1/3 inch across; green turning blue when ripe, with a grayish- white, waxy covering.
Mature Size: 40 to 60 feet in height and 1 to 2 feet in diameter. Form: Dense, compact, column-like crown with short, slender branches. Light reddish-brown, thin, peeling and fibrous. Scaly, green for several years, later turning brown