Stereo Vision System Principle of Operation: Difference between two cameras gives depth information Steps: –Compute disparity image –Find obstacles in each column –Approximate with rectangles –Filter in time domain
Challenges Quantization Noise Lighting condition Field of view Occlusion Range
The left camera sees: Point Grey Bumblebee Focal Length: 4mm Resolution: 640x480 Black & White
The right camera sees: Point Grey Bumblebee Focal Length: 4mm Resolution: 640x480 Black & White
Yielding a disparity map: Intensity indicates distance: the lighter, the closer White indicates an invalidated location.
Processing in each column: Intensity indicates confidence that an obstacle exists at that location. A darker line indicates a higher confidence.
Bounding with rectangles: Darker rectangles indicate higher confidence.
Data Representation Reference: ge/TechPapers/Stanford.pdf vs.