Geography of Western Europe
Terms and Places Population density describes how crowded an area is. Tributaries are rivers that flow into other rivers. A waterway that is navigable can be traveled by ships. High population density Hydroelectric power is electricity made from in dams. The Gulf Stream brings warm water from the south to northern Europe. Low population density
Objectives Identify two landforms that give Western Europe a lot of shoreline. Explain how lots of shoreline affected Western Europe’s history and culture. Name the four regions of Western Europe. Explain how both climate and terrain affects population in each of the four regions of Western Europe. Explain why the plains of Western Europe are warmer than the plains of Eastern Europe, even though they are at the same latitude.
Physical Geography of Europe Part 1: Location and Borders
Asia Europe Asia Africa Africa The Arctic Ocean The Ural Mountains Where are Europe’s borders? Where is Europe? The Ural Mountains The Atlantic Ocean Europe The Caspian Sea Caucasus Mts. The Black Sea Asia The Mediterranean Sea Africa Africa
Part 2: Natural Features
What are Europe’s Outstanding Features? Europe has many peninsulas. Scandinavian Peninsula What are Europe’s Outstanding Features? Cornwall Jutland Normandy Brittany Crimean Peninsula Iberian Peninsula Italian Peninsula
The Balkan Peninsula
Europe has many Islands Iceland Faroe Shetlands Hebrides Great Britain Ireland Europe has many Islands Corsica The Greek Islands Sardinia Madeira Sicily Crete
Many islands and many peninsulas mean lots of coastline Many islands and many peninsulas mean lots of coastline. This affects the people in many ways. Economy Diet Military History
Part 3: The Four Regions and Their Climates
The Far North Northern Plains Alpine Mediterranean
It has the least population. It is very cold up here. The Far North Region It has the least population. It is very cold up here. The population is low. The land is rugged.
Unlike the rest of Europe, the Far North is mostly forest. tundra pasture tundra tundra tundra tundra pasture forest forest forest pasture cropland cropland cropland pasture pasture pasture cropland forest cropland pasture cropland
This is called the Alpine region. These provide recreation such as skiing and hiking, but fewer people live here. High mountains cut across Europe. This is called the Alpine region.
This is called the Mediterranean region. South of the mountains is warm, because warm, dry air comes from Africa. sirocco sirocco sirocco
Instead, the northerners get cool moist wind from the arctic Instead, the northerners get cool moist wind from the arctic! This makes their winters cold. cold cold cold However, the mountains stop the warm air from reaching northern Europe. cold
The eastern part isn’t warmed by the Gulf Stream. The western parts of northern Europe get warmth from the Gulf Stream waters.
Note that the northern plains also have more rivers.
The northern plains! What do the colors and patterns on this map mean? Highlands Mountains The northern plains! So even though the south is warmer, more people live in the north. Which region has the most land for producing food? If much of the south looks rocky to you – you’re right!
What is the name of the warm region south of the Alps? Review Northern Plains Alpine Mediterranean What is the name of the mountainous region that separates the north and south of mainland Europe? What is the name of the warm region south of the Alps? What is the name of the most fertile and populated region on the other side of the Alps?
The Far North Region Northern Plains Alpine Mediterranean Which European region is able to grow the most food? Which European region is the warmest? Which European region has the fewest people? Mediterranean Alpine Alpine Alpine Far North Far North Far North Northern European Plain Northern European Plain Northern European Plain The Mediterranean The Mediterranean The Mediterranean
What landforms make Western Europe different from other areas? What does it mean that Europe’s rivers are navigable? Vast deserts make travel through Europe difficult. Boats can move up and down on them. Many islands and peninsulas increase the amount of Europe’s shoreline. What are some reasons a river might not be navigable? Europe has few rivers to transport goods and water crops Shallowness, ice, sand bars, bridges. Why is Western Europe warmer in the north than Eastern Europe is? Western Europe is further south than Eastern Europe is. Desert winds travel from Africa to Western Europe, but not Eastern. The Gulf stream brings warmth from the south.
In recent years, many European countries are giving up the currency they have used for centuries and are now using the Euro. European believe that if they all use the same currency [type of money], then their economies will do better.
Please read “The European Union”. World Studies: Europe and Russia. Pearson-Prentice-Hall, 2005. pgs. 70-74. About 3½-4 pages.
"Land and Water." pgs. 11-12. & "Major Rivers" pg. 15. Please read "Land and Water." pgs. 11-12. & "Major Rivers" pg. 15. and "Climate and Vegetation." pgs. 17-23. "Resources of Western Europe." pgs. 26-28. World Studies: Europe and Russia. Pearson-Prentice-Hall, 2005.
and “Cultures of Western Europe.” World Studies: Europe and Russia. Pearson-Prentice-Hall, 2005. pg. 84-90. About 6 pages
Terms and Places The European Union is a Single market is A foreign minister is Urbanization is An immigrant is The Euro is the money used by most of Western Europe.
Objectives Describe the main goals of the European Union. What is a Euro?
This is a population map. On this map, the darker an area is, the more people live there.