What’s the weather like today? sunnyrainycloudy hotcoldwarm windysnowystormy
What’s the weather like today? sunny
What’s the weather like today? rainy
What’s the weather like today? cloudy
What’s the weather like today? hot
What’s the weather like today? cold
What’s the weather like today? warm
What’s the weather like today? windy
What’s the weather like today? snowy
What’s the weather like today? stormy
It’s sunny It’s rainy It’s cloudy It’s windy It’s snowy It’s stormy What’s the weather like today? It’s cold It’s hot It’s warm
What’s the weather like today? Réécris les lettres manquantes: It’s __indy It’s r__in__ng It’s s__nny It’s c__ld It’s h__t
❶ Ecris le mot correspondant sous chacune des images: sunnyrainycloudy hotcoldwarm windysnowystormy