Templar House I Newton Abbot I Devon I How relationships between landlord and tenant are changing Karen Ayling Managing Director Westward
Two key drivers Welfare Reform Change from grant to revenue funded models for development …….alongside a depressed economy and inherent austerity
Welfare Reform Who are our customers – have we profiled the right things? Landlords will be disconnected from benefit administration For a generation tenants have been alienated from a rent payment culture Paternalism to consumerist A more transactional relationship may prevail
Move from grant to revenue funded models From patch to portfolio Estate management is property and grounds Address poor performing assets Disposals to support new build Affordable rents and conversions Leaner services….but for whom
Technology is changing the world Away from a cash economy towards banking products From cash weekly to electronic monthly Many customers under banked Social media is increasing…..for us all
Future relationships with customers Landlord and tenant Different profiles required Customer segmentation will matter Let and forget…..intensive support
Greater efficiency = more to spend in our communities Lean our services – more efficient and targeted “what do you do that’s a complete waste of your time” Shared services to bring efficiency Use social media – messages Consumerist and Community based
Support Education and training to help people into work Build confidence Green technologies
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