Communicating with Tenants
Key premises to prevent problems Ensure property owner is proud and confident of this accomplishment and portray that to tenants and community. Property owner needs to set policy and follow that policy – no exceptions. Train all staff to ensure policy is followed- include disciplinary measures for staff who do not.
Key Communication Points Constant and consistent messaging Hold tenant meetings Newsletter articles Letter to tenants LTE’s, press releases Signage Leadership and positive communication from property manager/owner/RSC/PHA Emphasize: Health benefits (for all) Fire safety No one has to quit or leave
Tenant Meetings Property Owner should set the tone and basic ground rules of the meeting Know what you want to accomplish Start with presentation by SFH expert to give basic SHS information End with your timeline – or next steps (make sure people know what to expect)
What Smoke-Free Housing is NOT It is not about asking people to quit smoking. It is not about evicting people who smoke. It IS about improving the air quality in multi- unit housing and protecting the health of all tenants.
Why All The Fuss? Why is there such concern about secondhand smoke in workplaces, public places and living spaces?
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly Surgeon General says there is NO safe level of exposure. SHS is a Group A carcinogen– a substance known to cause cancer in humans for which there is no risk-free level of exposure. No ventilation system is effective in removal of toxins ~ up to 65% air exchange between units. U.S. Surgeon General report, June 2006, Center for Energy & Environment, 2004.
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly : Secondhand smoke cannot be controlled by ventilation or air cleaning: On June 30, 2005, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) issued their latest position document on secondhand smoke. It states: “At present, the only means of effectively eliminating health risk associated with indoor exposure is to ban smoking activity.”
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly Exposure causes… 7 deaths every day in Maine, 1 being a non-smoker. 22,700–69,600 heart disease deaths annually among adult nonsmokers in the United States Maine ATS, 2005 California EPA report
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly U.S. Surgeon General report issued June AS deadly as vehicle exhaust, arsenic, lead, asbestos and a host of other toxins.
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly Americans spend approximately 90% of their time indoors; 65% of their time inside the home. (ALA, 1999) Infants, children, and the elderly are extremely vulnerable to the negative effects of secondhand smoke. (CDC, 2006) Secondhand smoke is of particular concern to elderly and disabled persons, especially those with heart or respiratory disease or disorders such as emphysema, asthma, COPD, cardiovascular disease or allergies. (CDC, 2006) Children exposed to secondhand smoke in the home are 44% more likely to suffer from asthma. (ARC, 2006)
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly Exposure to secondhand smoke has been linked to several diseases and disorders, including lung cancer, heart disease, sinus infections, SIDS and dementia in older adults. As little as 30 minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke has been found to trigger heart attacks in older persons with pre-existing heart conditions. U.S. Surgeon General report issued June 2006, J. Barnoya, MD, MPH; S.A. Glantz, PhD “Cardiovascular Effects of Secondhand Smoke-Nearly as Large as Smoking,” Circulation
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly Third-hand smoke danger Residue that tobacco smoke leaves behind. Poses serious health hazard to infants and children.
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly Smoking damages residential property: –Costing landlords more money in general maintenance and turnover –Poses fire hazard (leading cause of residential fires deaths in Maine and the US) –Causes cigarette burn damage to carpets, counters, etc. –Leaves smoke residue on walls and curtains
Cigarette Burns—Carpets
Cigarette Burns—Furniture
Cigarette Residue—Walls
Secondhand Smoke is Deadly According to the State Fire Marshal: In 2007, 34 residential fires were caused by an improperly discarded cigarette. Smoking-related fires were the cause of 34.2% residential fatalities between
But… Isn’t smoking a “right”? Smoking is a personal choice and an addiction. There is no law that protects an individual’s “right” to smoke. Smoking is not a legally protected activity. Nothing prevents a landlord or employer from prohibiting smoking on property.
In Fact Tenants negatively impacted by secondhand smoke actually have the right to seek legal action against tenants or landlords who do not make adequate provisions to protect them from secondhand smoke.
And, the ADA & FHA say: Persons cannot be discriminated against in workplaces, public places or in housing due to disability; severe breathing problems constitutes a disability. Facilities are required to provide reasonable accommodations to persons with severe breathing disabilities, including possibly making the facility totally smoke-free.
Support for Smoke-Free Housing The smoke-free housing initiative is supported by key federal agencies, including the CDC, EPA and HUD.
Maine Housing Authorities with Smoke-Free Policies Auburn 9/04 (unlimited grandfather abolished 11/08; 100% smoke-free) Bangor 05/07 (no grandfathering) Bar Harbor 07/06 (24 mo. grandfather; entirely tobacco free 07/08) Bath 01/09 (no grandfathering) Brewer 08/07 (12 mo. grandfather) Brunswick 10/07 (12 mo. grandfather) Ellsworth 07/06 (no grandfather) Fort Fairfield 07/06 (24 mo. grandfather) Lewiston 11/08 (4 mo. grandfather) Mount Desert Island 06/06 (no grandfather) Old Town 07/06 (12 mo. grandfather) Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Reservation New building constructed 6/08 (LITC) Presque Isle 4/09 (12 month grandfather) Sanford 09/05 (unlimited) South Portland 01/09 (6 mo. grandfather) Southwest Harbor 07/06 (unlimited; tobacco-free at turnover) Tremont 03/08 (unlimited) Waterville 07/07 (unlimited) Westbrook 01/09 (no grandfathering)
Remember… It’s about the smoke, not the smoker.
You Have Resources
FREE smoke-free housing registry for landlords & tenants in ME Landlord brochure, fact sheets, packets, training video- all downloadable from site Tenant fact sheets in several languages- downloadable from site Metal signage, magnets & window clings for Maine landlords Call (207) or for technical
What Smoke-Free Housing is NOT It is not about asking people to quit smoking. It is not about evicting people who smoke. It IS about improving the air quality in multi- unit housing and protecting the health of all tenants.