How Tia Lola Came to Stay by Julia Alvarez illustrated by Macky Pamintuan Compiled by: Terry Sams PES Melissa Guinn PES
Study Skills Genre: Realistic Fiction Comprehension Skill: Character and Theme Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Comprehension Review Skill: Author’s Purpose Vocabulary: Context Clues
Summary One day Miguel’s Tia Lola starts to paint the family’s home purple and their landlord, the Colonel, orders them to paint it white or move out. Tia Lola designs purple and white uniforms for Miguel’s baseball team and names the team after the Colonel. The Colonel is so happy that he forgets about the color of the house.
Genre: Realistic Fiction Realistic fiction is made up, but the characters and events are so lifelike that the story seems as if it must be true. As you read, think about what makes this story seem as if it could happen in real life.
Comprehension Skill Character and Theme What the characters in a story do and say gives clues about what they are like. The theme is the underlying meaning of a story. The author may state the theme directly, but often the reader must think about the story in order to figure out the theme. A reader must have proof from the story to support a theme statement.
Practice Book 273 Character and Theme Goal Nana doesn’t want to embarrass her granddaugther. Plot Events She wears different colors. 3. Plot Events She changes her cooking.
Practice Book 273 Character and Theme Always be yourself. 5. Support Her granddaughter doesn’t want Nana to change.
Comprehension Strategy Summarize As you read a story, summarize the characters’ goals and how they try to reach them. Summarizing will help you figure out the theme of the story. Questions to ask yourself: What are the characters like as they try to reach their goals? Do they succeed?
Comprehension Review Skill- Author’s Purpose Recall that author’s have different purposes for writing particular pieces. The most common purposes include: To persuade To express feelings or ideas To entertain To give facts or details (to inform)
Vocabulary Skill: Word Structure—Context Clues Sometimes you can use context clues-the words and sentences around an unknown word-to help you figure out the meaning of the word. The author may put a definition of the word in parentheses or between commas or dashes.
Vocabulary Skill: Word Structure—Context Clues If there are no clues surrounding the unknown word, predict the meaning of the word and see if it makes sense in the sentence. Another strategy to determine the meaning of an unknown word is to restate what you believe the sentence means in your own words.
Study Stills Dictionary/Glossary 711L A dictionary is a collection of words and their meaning, listed in alphabetical order. A glossary is a short dictionary found at the back of some books that includes important words from the book.
Study Stills Dictionary/Glossary 711L Guide words at the top of pages show the first and last words on the page. Entry words are in dark type. They show how a words is spelled and how the word is divided into syllables. The pronunciation is in parentheses. It shows how the words is said and which syllables are stressed.
Study Stills Dictionary/Glossary 711L The part of speech tells how each word may be used in sentences, such as a noun or verb. Sometimes a word can be used in more than one way. Definitions tell words’ meaning, beginning with the most common usage.
Study Stills Dictionary/Glossary 711L Some entries may include example sentences or illustrations that help you understand the words’ meanings. They may also include irregular and other special forms of the word, such as words with endings added. A pronunciation key at the top or bottom of the page helps you figure out the pronunciations in parentheses after entry words.
Study Skill Dictionary/Glossary WB 279-280 What is one difference between a dictionary and a glossary? Dictionary entries have more information than glossary entries. What is the entry word before Cumberland? Why does it come before? Culture; Dictionaries and glossaries are in alphabetical order. What is the pronunciation of curb? What tells you that this is the pronunciation? (kerb); Pronunciations are in parentheses. Where will you find out an entry word’s part of speech? In a dictionary, how would you know if a word is a noun? Parts of speech are after the pronunciation; Noun is abbreviated n.
Study Skill Dictionary/Glossary WB 279-280 What part of speech is cumbersomely? adverb 6. In a glossary, what do you think the page numbers after the definitions mean? They are probably where the word appears. 7. The dictionary show several definitions for the word culture. Why do you think there is only one in the glossary? There is one definition because that is they way the word is used in the book. 8. What do you think the words in a glossary have in common? They are probably all uncommon words used in the book.
Study Skill Dictionary/Glossary WB 279-280 In the dictionary, what is the purpose of the sentences that are in italics? Write a sentence that could be added to the definition cumbersome to show how it is used. Example: The heavy coat was cumbersome. 10. Describe when you would use a glossary rather than a dictionary. I would use a glossary when I need to find the meaning of a word used in a book that I am reading.
Weekly Fluency Check - Emotion TE 686L Good readers read with emotion. They are able to express the emotion of the character they are reading about. If a character is sad, your voice should convey that emotion.
Fun Stuff and Practice Other Books by Julia Alvarez Summary Meet Julia Alvarez Metaphors More metaphors Comma Usage
Question of the Week TE 638m How can one person’s view of the world affect others?
Day 2 - Question of the Day Why does the Colonel get upset with Miguel’s family?
Day 3 - Question of the Day How does Tia Lola get the Colonel to change his “hard heart”?
Day 4 - Question of the Day - Review Why do you think Mr. Arakawa decides to speak with young Sadaharu Oh?
Review Questions Where does most of the story take place? How did the photo of Colonel Charlebois help Tia Lola determine how to make him happy? Why did the author describe the old photos? Why did the children have to write Colonel Charlebois a letter? How are Tia Lola and Colonel Charlebois alike?
Review Questions 6. Why do the children like Tia Lola? What is the theme of the story? What was Tia Lola’s plan to “change a hard heart”? What kind of person is Tia Lola? What did Tia Lola do to change the Colonel’s mind about the color of the house? What did Tia Lola determine when the Colonel decided to play pall with the boys?
Vocabulary - Say It affords colonel glint lurking palettes quaint resemblance
More Words to Know embarrassment landlord confused recognize wandered
gives as an effect or a result; provides; yields affords gives as an effect or a result; provides; yields
a military rank below general colonel a military rank below general
glint a gleam; flash
lurking hiding or moving about in a secret and sly manner
palettes thin boards, usually oval or oblong, with a thumb hole at one end, used by painters to lay and mix colors on
strange or odd in an interesting, pleasing, or amusing way quaint strange or odd in an interesting, pleasing, or amusing way
similar appearance; likeness resemblance similar appearance; likeness
shame; an uneasy feeling embarrassment shame; an uneasy feeling
person who owns buildings or land that is rented to others landlord person who owns buildings or land that is rented to others
thrown into disorder; mixed up, bewildered confused thrown into disorder; mixed up, bewildered
realize that something or someone has been seen or known before recognize realize that something or someone has been seen or known before
moved here and there without any special purpose wandered moved here and there without any special purpose
He seemed to recognize them, like old friends.
He seemed to recognize them, like old friends.
He knows just when the sun should produce a glint, or shine, on a pond or a barn roof.
He knows just when the sun should produce a glint, or shine, on a pond or a barn roof.
Miguel feels a flash of embarrassment about his crazy aunt.
Miguel feels a flash of embarrassment about his crazy aunt.
The large window affords a view of the surrounding farms and the quaint New England town beyond.
The large window affords a view of the surrounding farms and the quaint New England town beyond.
In the military, Joe was ranked a colonel.
In the military, Joe was ranked a colonel.
One flower contains enough colors to fill two palettes.
One flower contains enough colors to fill two palettes.
He wandered around the apartment all day, in and out of rooms, talking to himself, just like a kid in diapers.
He wandered around the apartment all day, in and out of rooms, talking to himself, just like a kid in diapers.
They were focused, not faraway or confused.
They were focused, not faraway or confused.
You may see him lurking and waiting, as though to surprise an enemy.
You may see him lurking and waiting, as though to surprise an enemy.
Miguel could not see even a faint resemblance of Colonel Charlebois when looking at the baseball pictures.
Miguel could not see even a faint resemblance of Colonel Charlebois when looking at the baseball pictures.
Miguel was afraid that their landlord would make them move.
Miguel was afraid that their landlord would make them move.
Writing Assignment Write a Character Sketch A character sketch is a written description of a character in a story. To write a character sketch, you must observe what the character is like throughout the story.
Writing Assignment Write a Character Sketch Here are some things to think about before beginning your character sketch: Physical description What the character says What the character does What the character thinks What the other characters say to or about the character What the character is like
Spelling Words Suffixed less, ment, ness treatment statement breathless restless enjoyment countless payment goodness fairness hopeless
Spelling Words Multisyllabic Words pavement flawless tireless amazement amusement greatness punishment timeless needless painless
announcement appointment requirement awkwardness expressionless CHALLENGE announcement appointment requirement awkwardness expressionless
This Week’s Word Wall Words Click and type your own words for this week:
Let’s review our Spelling words Let’s review our Spelling words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We can clap as we spell the word, or we might just practice reading the words.