The what’s and how’s of eligibility verification
Every applicant for Basic Food Assistance has to verify the same basic eligibility criteria.
WHAT TO VERIFYBASIC FOOD Alien Status X For all non-citizen AU members* Child Support Obligation X Only if questionable (Continue to check SEMS for cases through DCS) Citizenship X Only if questionable Dependent Care Expenses (Including transportation costs) X Only if questionable (Continue to check WCAP for WCCC copays Disability X Household Composition (Includes Purchase & Prepare arrangements) X Only if questionable Identity X For applicant or both the Head of Household and Authorized Representative WHAT TO VERIFYBASIC FOOD Incapacity X Income X Recertification: If source has changed; or If amount has changed over $50. NOTE: There is no requirement to verify income-in-kind for BF. Medical Expenses X Only for elderly persons or persons with disabilities and only if in excess of 25% of household income or more than $300. Residency X Households that are not Categorically Eligible (CE) for Basic Food Shelter Costs X Only if questionable SSN Application X Questionable Information X
The Department does not request a specific form of verification.
Eligibility FactorAcceptable Verification Alien Status (For all non-citizen AU members) See tables in NILC Guide for documents used to verify alien status Child Support Obligation Court papers SEMS data Statement from custodial parent Receipt Dependent Care Expenses Statement from the provider Bills or receipts SSPS data Disability Award letter from SSA DDDS disability approval Collateral contact with SSA Collateral contact with VA Decision from disability program specialist (ABD cash) Household Composition Statement from landlord Rental agreement Collateral contact Identity (for Cash and Food) Driver's license State ID card Birth certificate Passport School records Current Alien Registration Card Collateral Contact outside the client's household SOLQ Eligibility FactorAcceptable Verification Income Pay stubs Employer statement by telephone or in writing SEMS data ACES Interfaces Bank statement that shows direct deposits (many deposits show the net amount, you may need additional information that shows the gross income) Collateral contact SOLQ Medical Expenses Bills/Receipts Statement from the provider Residency Rental or lease agreement Statement from landlord Mortgage papers Utility company records or bills Shelter Costs Landlord statement Current lease Rent or mortgage receipt Utility bills Collateral contact SSN Application Collateral contact with SSA SSA printouts or documents Birth document that states SSN was applied for
Does it verify the eligibility factor? Is the document/statement the most reliable available evidence? Was the document/statement prepared near the time the event took place?
Is the document/statement signed and dated? Are there any inconsistencies in the document/statement itself? Is the document/statement consistent with other information?
Is the document/statement based upon first- hand knowledge rather than opinion, inference, or hearsay? Has the document been in the possession of a person with reason to change it? Does it appear the document is altered? Is there any other reason to question the validity of the document?
Income Deductions We only require verification of a household’s income deductions for Basic Food when the information is questionable.
We must still make use of readily available information such as child support paid by the household through SEMS or Working Connections Child Care copayments through WCAP.
For Basic Food, only certain factors must be verified at recertification.
· A change of income if the source has changed or the amount has changed by more than $50 · Questionable expenses · Any information that is incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated.
· Income if the source hasn’t changed and the amount has changed $50 or less · Income deductions that aren’t questionable · Income-in-Kind