European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 The Commonweal Peer Landlord Model of ‘Supportive Housing’ Anwen Jones, Centre for Housing Policy, University of York Insert your logo here
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 The Commonweal Peer Landlord Model An innovative approach to resettlement and homelessness prevention Support provided to tenants, housed in appropriate shared accommodation by a resident Peer Landlord Incentives for Peer Landlord Piloted by Catch22 and Thames Reach in various London Boroughs
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Aims of the Commonweal Peer Landlord Model To provide clients with the skills, confidence and experience to find and maintain tenancies in the real world To improve the ability of service users to develop positive relationships and partake in meaningful activities and find/maintain employment NB tenants to have minimum support needs and to be education/training or work ready
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 How the Commonweal Peer Landlord Model is Envisaged to Work Tenants provided with low-cost housing (of a decent standard) Tenants will develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to move on to independent housing after c12 months (although not under pressure to leave) Support provided by Peer Landlord with input from other support services as necessary
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Research Aims and Objectives To assess and compare the effectiveness of the Commonweal Peer Landlord Model with two different client groups To assess whether the Peer Landlord Model is more effective than similar interventions To assess the benefits to society, including cost- benefits To provide regular feedback on emerging findings to inform the development of the model
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Emerging Findings Securing suitable accommodation in a tight housing market Selection of Peer Landlords and tenants Role of the Peer Landlord Early successes – and problems
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Lessons (and questions) from the early stages of the evaluation Selection of tenants and Peer Landlords Support and training needs of tenants and Peer Landlords Plans for move on – is there any incentive to move out into the real world?