Types of housing available Studio Apartment Condominium Single family home Town house Duplex Mobile home Rented room in house Cooperative apartment complex
Four Step Program to Apartment Hunting Decide on basic housing requirements –cost –location –space –furnishing
Four Step Program to Apartment Hunting Cont.. Locate apartments meeting your needs Inspect the apartment carefully Look over and study the terms of the lease
The Lease A legal contract, in writing, that gives the tenant the right to live in an apartment for a certain amount of time in return for a specified amount of rent
Terms of the Lease Drawn to protect the landlord Read all the term of the lease!!!! Leasee: Renter or tenant Lessor: Owner or landlord
Terms of the Lease cont.. A lease spells out the rights and responsibilities of both the tenant and the landlord: –Use of the apartment –Rental period –Security Deposit –If utilities are included in the rent
The Lease Also: –How much notice one has to give before they can relocate or move –If you can sublet or let someone else rent from that space –If someone else can stay
Tenant’s Rights Use the property for the purpose stated in the lease – Business Vs. Residency Right to privacy –Still can come into the space
Tenant’s Responsibilities Must pay rent on time and take reasonable care of the apartment Must notify the landlord/owner if something is wrong Must give notice before relocating
Landlord’s Responsibilities Property must meet standards set by local government and building regulations Must ensure that the building is fit to live in –For example heating system –Fixing any utilities stated in lease
Landlord Privileges Landlord and employees CAN enter your apartment –Knock first Threat to apartment –Plan visits Inspection Maintenance
Insurance Landlord insures the building and public space Tenant must insure –Their property –Liability if someone gets hurt in the apartment Costs very little, be insured! –Note the max coverage on jewelry and electronics
Items that affect cost Increase Pool with diving board Dangerous dog Working from home More expensive home More expensive items Items that are stolen / lost more often Claims against home or you Decrease Close to fire station Alarm system –Fire extinguisher –Deadbolts Newer build / newer appliances / roof Higher deductible Multiple policy discount Employer discounts