Housing First: Where it Works Chela Sullivan, Housing Director, UMOM New Day Centers
Topics Agency Overview Housing First – Emerging Strategy Continuum of Housing Services Rapid Re-Housing Demonstration Project
Our Mission UMOM New Day Centers mission is to provide homeless families and individuals with safe shelter, housing and supportive services to assist them in reaching their greatest potential. Founded in 1964 by United Methodist Church Provides a full continuum of services from Emergency Shelter to Permanent Housing
Our Continuum of Housing Services Watkins Overflow Shelter- Low demand emergency shelter for up to 20 families each night. Emergency Family Shelter - 80 units of emergency shelters with allowable maximum 120 day stay Transitional Living for Families- 54 units of transitional shelter with allowable maximum 2 year stay Rapid Rehousing- 40 families per year for 3 years with allowable maximum of 15 months rental subsidy
Our Continuum of Housing Services (Cont’d) Permanent Housing- 346 units of permanent affordable housing for families, seniors and SMI individuals Subsidized housing through Sec.8 contracts Privately subsidized permanent housing Low-income Housing Tax Credits Permanent supportive housing: Families, Disabled Veterans, SMI
Triaging Vulnerable Families UMOM Orientation Assessment Emergency Shelter Transitional Living Rapid Rehousing Eviction prevention Subsidized/ Section 8 Permanent affordable housing Permanent supportive
Housing First – Emerging Strategy Obtaining housing is the focus and as quickly as possible. Housing is not time limited. Services are delivered during housing search and after placement. Focus of services is on addressing issues and barriers that directly impact housing stability – as identified by the participant. Amount of time services are accessed is based on individual needs. Housing is not contingent on compliance with services, but on compliance with standard lease agreements. National Alliance to End Homelessness
Housing First – Key Components Assessment-based that targets most appropriate housing options. Assistance locating rental housing, relationship development with private market landlords, and lease negotiation. Housing cost assistance – ranging from security deposit and one month’s rent to provision of a long-term housing subsidy. A housing placement that is not time-limited. Case management to coordinate services (time-limited or long-term) that follow a housing placement. National Alliance to End Homelessness
Emergency Shelter Any facility whose purpose is to provide immediate and time limited (30-120 days) shelter to homeless individuals/families. May work with special populations, such as those temporarily displaced in housing due to domestic violence.
Transitional Shelter Any project that provides time-limited and affordable housing (up to 24 months - tenant usually pays no more than 30% of income toward housing) for homeless individuals-families Usually provides supportive services to address barriers to housing and help increase income and employment to move the homeless into permanent housing. Individuals and families must meet eligibility guidelines related to homeless status and income.
Rapid Re-Housing Demonstration Project Overview 3 year (May 2010 – May 2013) Federal Demonstration Project from HUD Granted to UMOM and Save the Family 23 communities across the country received Demonstration Grant and this is the only one in Arizona 240 families will be Rapidly Re-housed during life of grant
Rapid Re-Housing Overview Designed to move homeless families RAPIDLY out of shelter or unsafe – uninhabitable locations into safe, affordable rental housing in the community. Provides homeless families, assessed to have minimum to moderate housing barriers, with short-term rental subsidies and supportive services (Max. 15 mos.)
Eligibility Homeless definition (for demonstration grant only) Family in one of the following situations for at least 7 days: shelter (homeless or domestic violence) In place not meant for human habitation (i.e. streets, car, park) Willing and able to increase income to afford rent and living expenses without a subsidy within 12 - 15 months Willing to work with a case coordinator and landlord to obtain a lease and utilize support services to address barriers to housing stability.
Primary Focus and Outcomes Obtaining and maintaining permanent housing Increase income and savings Decrease debt Address ongoing barriers to housing by connecting to mainstream services and resources
Outcomes…..So Far (May 2010 – Jan. 2012) Total families served as of 1/15/2012 82 Families served (42 families have exited) 83% or 35 families exited to permanent housing 29 families maintained market rate units 6 families transitioned into subsidized housing 5 families are unknown 2 other/ noncompliance with lease 0% return to UMOM emergency shelter
Cost for Services UMOM Shelter 1 year of shelter averages $24,000* Rapid ReHousing averages about $10,000 per family * Cost does not include childcare
Summary We need to target our resources to provide the best intervention based on family needs. More vulnerable families may need longer-term transitional-type shelter or subsidized/ permanent supportive housing. Less vulnerable families may not need shelter or transitional programs.
Contact Chela Sullivan Housing Director UMOM New Day Centers csullivan@umom.org