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Best Practices for Fostering Everyday Leadership
1. Add Value.
2. Define the things you want to define you.
Leadership: Striving to act, every day, in a way that makes it more likely I will have a positive impact on my own life and on the lives of others.
1.Identify your values 2.Define each of your values 3.Create deliberate steps you can take each day to ensure you live each value.
3. Plan to matter.
Definition: Creating moments that cause people to feel as if they are better off for having interacted with you. Question: How have I recognized someone’s leadership today? Value: Impact
The “Six Questions” 1.How have I recognized someone’s leadership today? (Impact) 2.What have I done today to make it more likely I will learn something? (Personal Growth) 3.What have I done today to make it more likely someone ELSE will learn something? (Empowerment)
4.What positive thing have I said about someone to their face today? (Recognition/Gratitude) 5.What positive thing have I said about someone who isn’t in the room? (Recognition) 6.What have I done today to be good to myself? (Self-Respect)
4. Be a pickier landlord.
5. Heal.
6. Stop using the term “little things”.