Spanish and Portuguese Colonies in the Americas Mr. Mitchell’s C.P. World History Class
South America
VICEROY/ PEON/ PRIVATEER Representative who ruled one of Spain’s provinces in the Americas in the King’s name Worker forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt Pirate
* Winning Souls for Christianity
TO THE SPANISH, ANOTHER ONE OF THE MAIN GOALS THAT WAS AS IMPORTANT AS GAINING LAND IN THE AMERICAS WAS WINNING SOULS FOR CHRISTIANITY Catholic Missionaries such as Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits spread all over Latin America Missionaries would eventually make religious missions for Native Americans – where they could convert, teach trades and encoura
Missionaries wanted to control the lives of the Native Americans – and help Destroy their past making them loyal to the crown The Catholic Church would build cathedrals, hospitals and schools These schools gave Native American students a basic European Education which included teaching them Spanish or Portuguese and also truly pushing a religious education More on Religion
Who was Bartolome de las Casas? What did he do? Christian Priest that was against Native American Slavery He condemned the evils of encomienda system– but promoted African Slavery He detailed the horrors of what the Spanish were doing to the Native Americans
WHY DID LAS CASAS URGE COLONISTS TO IMPORT SLAVES FROM AFRICA? To fill the labor shortage and they were immune to tropical diseases along with their skills in farming, mining and metal working
Relation between Plantation and Encomiendas Plantations were large estates run by an owner and worked by laborers Plantations were large estates run by an owner and worked by laborers To make plantations successful, monarchs granted conquistadors encomiendas which gave them the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans To make plantations successful, monarchs granted conquistadors encomiendas which gave them the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans
Scenes of Spanish Treatment of Native Americans
In return for Native American services – Landowners were expected to protect them and ensure their growth in Catholicism In Peru, the Mita system – which was a system that allowed authorities to draft Native Americans to work in silver mines More on Encomiendas
EXAMPLE OF AN ENCOMIENDA - POTOSI Potosi in the 16 th century Potosi -- Today
MORE ON ENCOMIENDAS - 2 This labor structure would help contribute to a drastic decline in Native American Population – which led to a growth in African Slavery
More on Encomiendas -- 3 Spain and Portugal begin trading in other materials – such as tobacco, sugar, diamonds, and animal hides ▫Over time – Britain and France would eventually corner the market on those goods with their colonies in the Caribbean
Top – Peninsular – Direct citizens from Spain Their name stemmed from the Iberian Peninsula – They held all of the important government positions Second – Creole – American-born descendants of Spanish settlers Resented peninsulares – and believed all of the groups under them were inferior Next – Mestizo – Native Americans and Euro descent Grew in status with their numbers over time. Mulatto – Last – European and African descent Native Americans – Africans are below the Social Structure
Who was Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz? Entered a convent at the age of 16 – there she devoted herself to the study and writing of poetry She earned a reputation as one of the greatest poets ever to write in the Spanish Language
Settlers learned Native American Styles of Building Ate Foods native to the Americas Traveled in Native American Style Canoes Native American Art influenced the new settlers Settlers taught religion to the Native Americans Settlers introduced animals, especially the horse Africans added to this cultural mix with their farming methods, cooking styles and crops- along with their drama, dance and songs
Over time how would culture emerge in Brazil? O A NEW CULTURE EMERGED IN BRAZIL THAT BLENDED EUROPEAN NATIVE AMERICAN AND AFRICAN PATTERNS O European culture dominated the upper and middle classes O Native American and African influences impacted the rest of society