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First question! What is the ditch filled with water surrounding the motte and bailey called? A: RiverRiver B: LakeLake C: MoatMoat
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Second question! What was the motte and bailey made out of? A: StoneStone B: Animal HidesAnimal Hides C: WoodWood
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Third question What is the bridge called that allows people to enter the bailey? A: London BridgeLondon Bridge B: DrawbridgeDrawbridge C: Sydney Harbour BridgeSydney Harbour Bridge
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Fourth question Where do the citizens live? The motte or the bailey ?motte bailey
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Fifth question What is the tower called that overlooks the entire motte and bailey? A: DonjonDonjon B: OutpostOutpost C: Water towerWater tower
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Sixth question What was a “Barbican”? A: A outer wall of the castle to provide extra defence?A outer wall of the castle to provide extra defence? B: Where the soldiers slept?Where the soldiers slept? C: Where they stored the castle’s meat?Where they stored the castle’s meat?
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Seventh question Where were the barracks situated in the motte and bailey? A: In the keepIn the keep B: In the curing roomIn the curing room C: Drawing roomDrawing room
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Eighth question After realising that the motte and bailey were pretty much useless, what did they use to make the **** castles? (that word would have given it away) A: StoneStone B: MudMud C: WoodWood
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Ninth question What is a portcullis? A: A medieval dishA medieval dish B: A massive latticed gate to enter a structure such as a castleA massive latticed gate to enter a structure such as a castle C: Where the wine was stored in a castleWhere the wine was stored in a castle
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The last question! A murder hole was…… A: Where knights went to the toiletWhere knights went to the toilet B: A little hole in the ceiling of a passage way which was used to pour or throw noxious substances or hard objects on the attackersA little hole in the ceiling of a passage way which was used to pour or throw noxious substances or hard objects on the attackers C: Where murdered people who had been executed on the orders of the landlord were buried.Where murdered people who had been executed on the orders of the landlord were buried.
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