Czech castles
Lednice („The Fridge“) This chateau is in Gothic Style. In the north of Moravia. LEGEND: A lot of centuries ago, a forefather from Lichtenstein lived here. He was very poor. He worked as a miner. He hoped that he was going to have more money to live a better life. One day he saw a fairy at work and she said to him to look for something in a closed mine. He found a jewel, and because he was honest he gave it to the prince. The prince gave him the jewel back and – for his honesty - he also gave him a chateau. The forefather lived there and he and his sons used the name LORDS OF LICHTENSTEIN.
Orlik („The Eaglet“) Legend About a baby in eagle’s nest. Near the river Vltava bandits hid. Their boss was Batka. In the forest there was his wife and his son with him. But later his wife died and Batka found a nanny for babysitting. One day Batka came home but his son wasn’t at home and the nanny was sleeping. Bandits with Batka looked for him and they found his son in the nest of eagles. When they found him they stopped robbing people. The bandits built a chateau for the boy. They named it Orlik (eaglet)
Cervena Lhota („Red Hole“) In the south of the Czech Republic is a chateau with the name of Cervena Lhota. People wonder:,,Why is the chateau red?” Originally the chateu was white. In Cervena Lhota lived husband and wife. Husband didn’t like his wife. And she didn’t like him. So husband threw her out of the window. The blood was on the wall. The husband wanted white walls. The decorator painted over the blood, but people could see it. So the wall had to be red.
Karlstejn This castle was built by Charles IV. Charles was the best Czech king. There were crown jewels in Karlstejn. When Charles died, the bad knight Zikmund wanted to steal precious jewels. But Czech people loved the Czech treasure and wanted to keep it. And there was a war. Since it was winter, Zikmund‘s army was cold. But in the castle it was warm. Zikmund‘s army was hungry but people in Karlstejn said: we have a lot of food!..Only it was not true. In the castle there wasn’t food, but they wanted the bad army to be envious. And it worked: the army was angry, hungry and cold and they left the castle! Hurray said the people in Karlstejn
Becov People wanted to rebuild this chateau. When they started, there appeared a man in black clothes. The man was interesting because he had grey eyes. People were afraid and ran away for help to the landlord, Mr Beafort. He didn’t believe them. At the very moment, the mystery man came in and burnt the plans for rebuilding. After some time people found out that the mystery man was a ghost of the original builder of the chateau, Mr Kaspar Pluh…
Krumlov About White Lady: In white clothes Miss Prechta was a beautiful woman. Her father said: „You must marry prince John.“ Prechta did not want to but she had to. John was unkind to her. When he was dying, he ask ed Prechta : Please forgive me…. But she said: “No, you are bad.“ And John cursed her. Since then, Prechta goes around the chateau Krumlov. : About a small lake near the chateau: This lake is very nice. A lot of people tell legends about it. Fairies and elfs dance here and watch treasure.If they like someone, they give them some treasure. But in this legend there is a magic mystery. If you can guess what the secret is, you will get the treasure!