Muzika: Ernesto Cortazar, “La Vida Es Bella”
Naše ž ivote ne oblikuje toliko naše iskustvo, koliko naša o č ekivanja. George Bernard Shaw Our life is what our thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius
Ni č ega u ž ivotu se ne treba bojati. Treba samo razumjeti. Marie Curie Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Marie Curie
Gdje je ljubav, tu je i ž ivot. Mohandas K. Gandhi Where there is love there is life. Mohandas K. Gandhi
Ž ivi svoj ž ivot i ne misli na godine. Norman Vincent Peale Live your life and forget your age. Norman Vincent Peale
Ž IVJETI je vrlo rijetka pojava na svijetu. Ve ć ina ljudi samo pre ž ivljava. Oscar Wilde To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. Oscar Wilde
Istina je uvijek uzbudljiva. Govori je! Ž ivot je prazan bez nje. Pearl S. Buck The truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is dull without it. Pearl S. Buck
Beskoristan ž ivot je preuranjena smrt. Goethe A useless life is an early death. Goethe
Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Franklin P. Jones Ljubav ne pokre ć e svijet; ljubav to kretanje č ini vrijednim truda. Franklin P. Jones Franklin P. Jones
Sve što sam nau č io o ž ivotu, mo ž e stati u č etiri rije č i: O n se neprekidno nastavlja. Robert Frost In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. Robert Frost
Da bismo pre ž ivjeli moramo puno toga primiti, no da bismo Ž IVJELI trebamo davati. Winston Churchill We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill
Što je med cvijetu, to je ljubav ž ivotu. Victor Hugo Life is the flower for which love is the honey. Victor Hugo
Ljubav je po č etak Ž ivota i kraj Smrti. Ona pokre ć e Stvaranje i daje smisao Svijetu. Emily Dickinson Love is anterior to Life, Posterior to Death, Initial of Creation, and The Exponent of Earth. Emily Dickinson
Ne boj se ž ivota. Vjeruj da je ž ivot vrijedan ž ivljenja i ta ć e ti vjera pomo ć i da on to i postane. Henry James Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. Henry James
Svrha ž ivota je ž ivjeti u skladu s prirodom. Zeno The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. Zeno
Naši ž ivoti su poput svije ć a na vjetru. Carl Sandburg Our lives are like a candle in the wind. Carl Sandburg
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness. Bertrand Russell Ljubav donosi zanos i ubla ž ava usamljenost. Bertrand Russell
Zadivljujuća umjetnost života su osjećaji; osjećaj da postojimo, čak i u boli. Lord Byron The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain. Lord Byron
Ž ivot je niz doga đ aja. Pro ž ivjeti svakog od njih zna č i uspjeti. Corita Kent Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed. Corita Kent
Ž ivot je kratak, ali uvijek ima dovoljno vremena za biti ljubazan. Ralph Waldo Emerson Life is short, but there is always time enough for courtesy. Ralph Waldo Emerson
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