Question and Answer Samples and Techniques Quiz Show Question and Answer Samples and Techniques
Bacteria are prokaryotes.
Wood is made up of Cell Walls
Most unicellular organisms are Prokaryotic
Match the organelle to what it’s function Nucleus Transportation Network Mitochondria Packages the protein the cell makes Golgi body Control Center Ribosomes Releases energy from food Endoplasmic Reticulum Produces proteins
Unlike animal cells, plant cells store water and other materials in cytoplasm Lysosomes Central Vacuole Golgi Body All of the above
Organelle where sugar is made from sunlight Chloroplasts Lysosomes Ribosomes Mitochondria All of the above
Animal and plant cells differ because plant cells have Endoplasmic Reticulum Lysosomes Ribosomes Cell Walls All of the above
Membrane-bound spaces for storage in cells Vacuoles
Building blocks of life Cells
Food-making organelle in plants Chloroplasts
Mitochondria need what gas to break down food Oxygen
Protects the cells of plants Cell Wall
Where is the genetic material located in a eukaryotic cell? Nucleus
Protective layer around all cells Cell Membrane
What is the main difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell? Prokaryotic cells have no membrane bound organelles, eukaryotic cells do have membrane bound organelles