Vocabulary:Relationships Learning Zone -English Universidad Metropolitana Título V Campus.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary:Relationships Learning Zone -English Universidad Metropolitana Título V Campus

Index 1. Definitions Definitions 2. Vocabulary: Relationships & Family Vocabulary: Relationships & Family 3. Vocabulary: Marital Relationships Vocabulary: Marital Relationships 4. Vocabulary: More Relationship Words Vocabulary: More Relationship Words 5. Practice Practice 6. More Practice More Practice 7. Bibliography Bibliography

Definition Relationship: 1. A connection between people by blood or marriage. 2. The condition or fact of something being related to something else; a connection or association. 3. An emotional or other connection between people. 4. A romantic involvement. Index

Vocabulary: Relationships & Family 1. mother- madre 2. father- padre 3. daughter- hija 4. son- hijo 5. brother- hermano 6. sister- hermana 7. aunt- tía 8. uncle- tío 9. cousin- primo (a) 10. nephew- sobrino 11. niece- sobrina Index

Vocabulary: Continue 1. grandchildren- nietos (as) 2. granddaughter - nieta 3. grandson- nieto 4. grandfather- abuelo 5. grandmother- abuela 6. grandparents- abuelos 7. great-grandchild- bisnieto 8. husband- esposo 9. ex-husband- ex-esposo 10. wife- esposa 11. ex-wife- ex-esposa 12. parents- padres Index

Vocabulary: Marital Relationships 1. divorced- divorciados 2. engaged- comprometidos 3. married- casados 4. unmarried- sin casar 5. separated- separados 6. single- soltero (a) 7. widow- viuda 8. widower- viudo Index

Vocabulary: More Relationship Words 1. acquaintance- conocido 2. boss- jefe (a) 3. colleague- colega 4. employee- empleado 5. employer- patrono 6. fiancé- prometido 7. fiancée- prometida 8. friend- amigo (a) 9. best friend- mejor amigo (a) 10. neighbor- vecino (a) 11. partner- compañero (a)

Practice: Choose the correct answer 1. My sister and I go to the same school. a. madremadre b. compañerascompañeras c. hermanahermana 2. Christine is happily married. a. comprometidacomprometida b. casadacasada c. divorciadadivorciada Continue

Practice: Choose the correct answer 3. This is my fiancé, Edgar. a. prometidoprometido b. esposoesposo c. esposaesposa 4. They got married on May 29. a. divorciarsedivorciarse b. casaroncasaron c. separarsesepararse Continue

Practice: Choose the correct answer 5. They are working partners. a. compañeroscompañeros b. jefes jefes c. esposos esposos 6. I went to the meeting with a group of colleagues. a. colegascolegas b. jefa jefa c. compañeracompañera Continue

Practice: Choose the correct answer 7. My boyfriend works at Universidad Metropolitana. a. hermanohermano b. novionovio c. esposo esposo 8. The proud parents have a baby boy. a. madremadre b. padrespadres c. padre padre Continue

Practice: Choose the correct answer 9. My cousin lives in Detroit, Michigan. a. tíatía b. primoprimo c. cuñada cuñada 10. My nephew is a soccer player. a. sobrino sobrino b. primaprima c. primoprimo Continue

More Practice Quiz Index

Bibliography Index

Revised by: Prof. María Isaac – English Coordinator Cristabel R. Ocasio Ilarraza – English Tutor October 2009 Index