5 th Grade STEM Fair This presentation is meant to be used over a time period of days or months a little piece at a time. Refer to your curriculum map lesson plan. This is just an outline and can be used in different ways to fit your class. Teacher notes are included. You may want to print the notes pages for reference.
Week 1 Log/Questions
Essential Questions What is a STEM Fair Project? What is a STEM Fair Log? What is a testable STEM Fair Question?
What is a STEM Fair Project? A STEM Fair project is a unique way for students to pose questions for which they must seek out answers and to satisfy their own curiosity about the world around them. We use the Scientific Method to help us with this process.
Scientific Method Scientists do not always follow these steps in this order or even go through all of them every time, but for STEM Fair we will. 1.Ask a question and state a purpose. 2.Research 3.Hypothesis 4.Procedures(variables, materials, step by step directions.) 5.Collect data. 6.Create a graph. 7.Draw a conclusion.
What is a STEM Log? It is a written account of everything you think and do as you work on your STEM fair project. Your log is like a diary or journal of your progress in your investigation. Keep everything you write in your log even if you change your mind or start over.
Log The first thing you need to do to begin a STEM fair project is to begin writing in a log. Projects without logs will be disqualified. The log IS the project. The show board is just a commercial for the project. Each entry should be dated. Research notes, measurements, observations, and test results should be included.
Sample Data Log Entry 9/4/2012 My teacher said it is time for STEM fair. I don’t like it because it is a lot of work, but I get to work with a partner and I am really excited. I think it would be cool if I could come up with a topic. I kind of have 1 in mind. 9/5/2012 I shared my ideas with my teacher. She loved my idea about experimenting with worms. 9/6/2012 My teacher said I had to have a question that I want to try to answer about worms without harming the worms. I wonder if worms like the dark more than sunny places? I always see worms after it rains. I wonder if worms don’t like being wet? I wonder where I can get worms?
Log Write today’s date on the first page of your log. Write what you know, think, and wonder about STEM Fair.
Brainstorming Topics (Grades 3-5) Make a list of things you are interested in. The things you like do not need to have anything to do with science or school it’s just a list of things you like. Can you think of 20 or more?
Think of as many questions as you can about the things you listed. A list might look like this one : Things I Like Questions Baseball Does a baseball roll farther on artificial grass? Paper Airplanes How does the shape of the wing affect how far a paper airplane glides? Rocks Do most rocks erode in the rain? Can some rocks float? Playing outside What are good ways to cool off when you are hot?
What is a Good Question for STEM Fair ?
A good question cannot be answered yes or no. (There are exceptions to this rule) Good: How does the type of water affect the growth rate of a plant? Bad: Can plants grow in water?
A good question tells you what you need to measure. Good: How does the species of the orange affect the amount of juice it has? Bad: Are oranges juicy?
You can investigate the question yourself. Good: How do shade trees affect temperature of areas on our playground? Bad: What are the temperatures on Venus? (though you can look it up, you cannot build a rocket, go to Venus and study this on your own and get back before the due date)
The answer is a fact, not an opinion. Good: How does the brand of soap affect the amount of bubbles produced? Bad: What kind of soap smells the best?
What is a Good Question? A good science investigation question: Can not be answered with one word such as yes, no, or purple. Tells you what you need to measure. Is something you can investigate yourself. Is answered with a fact, not an opinion.
Example of log entry for question: August 20, 2011 I saw a picture of icebergs floating. They look really cool and pretty. Ice floats in a glass of water too. I wonder if ice is lighter than water. My question is: Does the mass of water change when it goes from a liquid to a solid. No, How does going from a liquid to a solid affect the mass of ice? is better. The boat in the picture floats too. Is the boat wood or metal? I think metal sinks, but metal boats float. I know wood will float..
Choose a question from your list that fits the STEM Fair question criteria and explain why you chose the question in your log.
Research Involving Animals Human/Animal Research form MUST be filled out prior to the beginning of the project. No surgery or dissection may take place Neither physiological or psychological harm to the animal can result Must be supervised by an adult.
End of Week 1
Week 2 Purpose / Research
Essential Questions What is a STEM Fair Purpose? Where do scientist’s look to find information?
Purpose The purpose of the project should tell what you want to find out. The purpose of my project is to find out… It is really just restating the question.
Examples Question: Will a cable-stayed bridge or a beam bridge support the most weight? Purpose: The purpose of my project is to find out if a cable-stayed bridge or a beam bridge will support the most weight. Question: Does the shape of a container affect the amount of evaporation that occurs? Purpose: The purpose of my project is to find out how the shape of a liquid container will affect how much liquid will evaporate.
Before you can begin your project, you need to learn more about the topic. You will write the information you learn in your STEM Fair log. You will use this information to make your hypothesis.
Complete a STEM Log Entry about your project. Think about the materials you might use, ideas for conducting you investigation, or any other thoughts you might have.
End of Week 2
Week 3 Hypothesis
Essential Question How do you use research to form a hypothesis?
Hypothesis The hypothesis is what you predict will happen when you perform the experiment based on your research. It doesn’t matter whether you are right or wrong; in your conclusion, you will tell if your hypothesis was correct or not. It is what you think the results of your experiment will be and WHY you think that.
Hypothesis Based on my research, I think… will happen because... Remember to use the information from your research to explain why you think this will happen!
End of Week 3
Week 4. Materials
Essential Question How do you find and formulate a materials list?
Materials This is a list of ALL the materials you need to perform your experiment. You must also include how much and which types..
Example of Materials List Materials 2 – 16oz Office Depot clear plastic cups 130ml tap water 1 Thermometer 16 oz of ice from cafeteria ice maker
Materials HOW, WHEN, and WHERE will you get you materials? Explain in your log.
End of Week 4
Week 5 Variables
Essential Questions What is a manipulated (independent) variable? What is a Responding (dependent) variable? What is a constant (control) variable?
Variables There are 3 kinds of variables. You will list the variables for your STEM Fair project today. 1. Manipulated (Independent ) What you are changing on purpose. What I change Responding (Dependent ) The change you are measuring. What I measure Held Constant (Control) Everything that stays the same. What I keep the same...
Examples of VARIABLES: Question ? Manipulated (Independent) Variable (what You Change) Responding (Dependant) Variables (What You Will Measure) Constants (Controlled) (What you keep the same) Do all brands of paper towels absorb the same amount of water? Brands of paper towels Amount of water that is absorbed by each towel Size of paper towel Amount of water poured on each paper towel Temperature of the water used Container towels are placed in Method of pouring Amount of time paper towel remains submerged
List your VARIABLES: Question ? Manipulated (Independent) Variable (what You Change) Responding (Dependant) Variables (What You Will Measure) Constants (Controlled) (What you keep the same)
End of Week 5
Step by Step Directions Week 6
Essential Question What are Step by Step directions and how are they used in a STEM Fair project?
These are like a recipe. Anyone who reads them will be able to duplicate the investigation and get the same results. Step by Step Directions –
Direction steps need to be numbered. The experiment needs to be done 5 or more times so they will have sufficient data to make an accurate conclusion. Step number one is always, “Gather materials.” Step by Step Directions –
Examples of Directions 1. Gather Materials 2. Fill cup to ½ way mark with ice. 3. Add 130 ml of tap water 4. Swirl cup for 1 minute. (hold by top edges of the cup) 5. Record water temperature. (Keep thermometer in water, look at eye level) 6. Add 2 more ice cubes. 7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 8. Repeat Steps 2-7 four more time for a total of 5 trials.
When you write your directions, Remember the following: Write them clearly so someone else may follow them and get the same (or similar) results. Be very specific and to the point. Remember to indicate how many trials are necessary. For Example: “Repeat steps 2-5 four more times for a total of five trials” Make sure to indicate when data should be collected and what kind of data.
End of Week 6
DATA Collection Week 7 and 8
Essential Questions What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data? What is a data table? What is a graph and how does a line graph differ from a bar graph?
DATA Data refers to the information gathered in the investigation This is in the form of tables and charts. You can also use photographs or drawings to show the information you gathered but pictures do not replace the data.
DATA To collect your data you will follow your step by step directions exactly. You will complete at least 5 trials and record the information in your log. You will use the data to create a data chart.
DATA The more trials you do the more accurate the results of your experiment will be. The minimum for STEM Fair is five trials. Scientists often repeat experiments thousands of times.
Distance a toy car will Roll in Meters
Quantitative and Qualitative data
Graph Use a bar graph or line graph to display data. This is the same information gathered and already recorded on your data chart.
Graph A bar graph – shows comparative data A line graph – shows data over time. (such as growing plants) Horizontal Axis: The manipulated variable (what you changed on purpose) is displayed on the horizontal axis. Vertical Axis: The responding variable (what happened as a result of what you changed) is displayed on the vertical axis.
Distance Toy Car Travels When Rolled Down Ramp Onto Various Surfaces Meters Trials Key
End of Week 7 and 8
Essential Question What is a conclusion and what should be included?
CONCLUSION My hypothesis was supported (or not supported) by the data. (Explain) I found out that… If I were to do this project again, I would change…because….. The way this is connected to the real world is…
CONCLUSION A problem I had or unusual event was…. Describe your data in detail. What does your data mean? Compare the results with you background information. Explain why the experiment is important.
End of Week 9
Week 10 Displays
Data Materials Optional Research Paper My Title Purpose Hypothesis Procedure: Variables Step-by-Step Directions Graph Conclusion Data Log
DRAWINGS OR PHOTOGRAPHS –Photographs and drawings are an excellent idea.
Show what you have learned…
Displays Must be durable and self-supporting No student or school name can be on the front of the display, or on/in the log/research paper. Photos are great, but there should not be school shirts in photos. Dead animals, plants, and food may NOT be part of display. Projects involving human blood, mold or fungus are prohibited Glass items and plastic “baggies” are not to be displayed Straight pins, tacks, or staples are not to be used to secure materials onto display boards
End of Week 10
Additional Information
Ineligible Projects Projects involving human blood, body parts including hair, teeth, nails, or pathogenic agents (bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, parasites) are PROHIBITED! Yeast is the exception and is approved. Projects involving weapons (ANY type of gun, arrows, knives, darts, etc.) or explosives are PROHIBITED!
Requirements ALL grades must have a separate DATA LOG that is clearly marked. Projects without LOGS will be disqualified A research paper is not required, BUT students who do write one will be most likely be considered for top awards.
Judging Criteria Scientific Investigation – 40 pts Thoroughness – 20 pts Skill – 15 pts Creative Ability/Originality – 15 pts Clarity/Neatness – 10 pts
Teacher information The following slides are intended for teacher use only.