B ODY M ASSAGE – L ESSON 7 Aim – Full Body Massage Client study 1 Objectives- Demonstrate a timed full body massage (using time and calculating treatment costs.) Evaluate your treatment and set one target for improvement. Extended Objectives: Analyse the effect of a full body massage on the muscular system ( writing to analyse) EQ Objectives: Demonstrate effective teamwork. Demonstrate respect for your peers and lecturers
B ODY M ASSAGE R OUTINE Front of leg- 5 minutes start with clients right leg 1. Effleurage whole leg x 6 2. Double handed kneading 3 rows of 3 3. Double handed picking up 4. Wringing of the thigh 5. Hacking of the thigh 6. Cupping of the thigh 7. Effleurage around the patella 8. Thumb kneading between the tibia and fibula including knuckles 9. Thumb kneading down towards the tarsal's, met-tarsals and phalanges x Zig zag sole of the foot 11. Stroking 12. Effleurage whole leg x 6 To finish cover with towel and pressure stroke the area
B ODY M ASSAGE R OUTINE Arm – 3 minutes start with the clients right arm 1. Effleurage x 3 2. Double handed kneading of the deltoid 3. Picking up of the triceps and biceps 4. Wringing 5. Thumb kneading around the elbow 6. Thumb kneading between the radius and the ulna. 7. Thumb kneading of the carpals, meta carpals and the phalanges 8. Thumb kneading of the palm of the hand 9. Effleurage
B ODY MASSAGE ROUTINE Neck and Chest massage – 4 minutes 1. Effleurage in full diamond shape, starting at the centre of the chest. 2. Finger kneading to the trapezius 3. Thumb kneading to the trapezius 4. Stretching of deltoids x 3 5. Deep clavical draining to lymph nodes x3 6. Knuckling to the pectorals and into the nodes. 7. Effleurage in full diamond shape, starting at the centre of the chest.
M ASSAGE R OUTINE Abdomen – 4 minutes 1. Effleurage x 3 triangle 2. Single handed deep effleurage to external oblique's. 3. Wringing to the whole abdomen 4. Double handed kneading to the whole abdomen 5. Finger kneading ascending, transverse and descending colon. 6. Single handed deep effleurage to external oblique's 7. Effleurage x 3 triangle
B ACK OF LEGS INCLUDING GLUTEALS (6 MINUTES ) 1. Effleurage x 6 2. Double handed kneading 3 rows x 3 including gluteals 3. Picking up the hamstrings 4. Wringing to the hamstrings 5. Hacking and cupping over the gluteals and adipose tissue 6. Beating and pounding over the gluteals and adipose tissue 7. Picking up from gastrocenimus 8. Finger kneading the Achilles tendon 9. Effleurage x 6 To finish cover with towel and pressure stroke the area
B ACK M ASSAGE (20 MINUTES ) 1. Effleurage up each side, across trapezius, around shoulders and lightly down the sides x 6 2. Double handed kneading both sides x 2 3. Thumb kneading in 3 sections each side of back x 2 4. Picking up and rolling of the upper trapezius 5. Reinforced thumb circles around right and left scapula with arm lifted 6. Effleurage and stretch 7. Deep thumb pushing/ kneading 8. Reinforced figure of 8 around the scapula 9. Single handed picking up the back of the neck and stretch x 2 thumb kneading, knuckling, (stand at top of couch) 10. Glide to lower back 11. Finger circles from coccygeal to hip bone 12. Thumb drainage from coccygeal to hop bone 13. Wringing to the whole back x Fast frictions up either side of the spine x Thumb kneading to the spine either side x Double handed kneading both both sides x Light hacking firm over adipose tissue 18. Light cupping over whole back 19. Beating and pounding to gluteals 20. Deep effleurage to lymph in axilla x 6 To finish cover with towel and pressure stroke the area
R EVIEW In pairs discuss what you have learnt today. What did you enjoy? What did you find difficult? What did you enjoy? Write down 2 new things you have learnt today and put it on the board at the front.