Lab Management Information. Before Starting a Lab:  1. Wash hands with hot, soapy water for 20 seconds. Rewash whenever necessary.  2. Long hair must.


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Presentation transcript:

Lab Management Information

Before Starting a Lab:  1. Wash hands with hot, soapy water for 20 seconds. Rewash whenever necessary.  2. Long hair must be tied back and aprons or chef coats worn during labs. Be sure to return them to correct locations. Do not put aprons into the laundry basket unless instructed by the teacher. Be sure to return them to correct locations. Do not put aprons into the laundry basket unless instructed by the teacher.

 3. Book bags and coats are placed in the classroom on cooking days.  4. The lab station should be completely set up before starting any food preparation tasks. What does lab-set up mean? Let us tell you…

Lab Station Set Up 1. Put hot water and 1 squirt of soap in one side of the double sink; leave the sink furthest from the stove empty to use as a rinsing station. 2. Hand soap is never substituted for liquid dish soap. One squirt of liquid dish soap is all you need. 3. Pick up 3 dish towels, 2 dishrags, and 2 potholders from cabinet

4. Place one dish towel in the counter beside the empty sink and place the dish drainer on top of the towel 5. Start setting up the mis en place (all in it’s place) for the lab. (Get out equipment, prep the ingredients, etc.)

During the Lab:  1. Leave the supplies needed by all groups on the front table (ex. Spices, Milk)  2. One person will make one trip to the front table to collect supplies. Bring the measuring equipment and containers needed.  3. Staple replacements are in the back room. (flour, sugar, etc.) Ask for help.

 4. Soap dispensers, Simple Green spray and flour/sugar canisters are always left 2/3 of the way full; refill when needed.  5. Use the garbage cans in the lab. They can be found in between two lab stations.

 6. Dirty towels go into the basket in the corne of your kitchen. Potholders go back to Cabinet unless dirty.  7. If something breaks in your lab please let the teacher know.  8. Refrain from sitting on the kitchen counters or tables. (This is where we prepare and eat FOOD!)

 9. Stay in your own kitchen and keep busy. (Restaurant employees who stand around or socialize with their friends during work time are FIRED!) Let your teacher know if you need an extra job.  10. Listening to headphones or using your phone during labs is prohibited.  11. When preparing a meal most of the time we will stand and eat, but make sure most of the dishes are done before you eat.

 12. Whenever you are touching food that will not be cooked before serving (i.e. when grating cheese) or when handling raw meat, you must wash your hands well or wear gloves.  13. Plastic wrap, baggies and foil are in front of the room in the “green bin”; wrap any food ingredients not used and return to the supply table. Do not throw away extra food ingredients unless instructed by the teacher.

CLEANING  1. Clean as you go. When you get to eat, all you should have left to wash are the plates, cups, eating utensils and serving pieces.  2. Cutting boards, counters, and anything that is used to prepare raw meat must be sterilized (clear spray bottle under sink).

 3. All dishes are returned: IN THE PROPER LOCATION CLEAN AND DRY! Next period will tell me if you don’t!  3. All dishes are returned: IN THE PROPER LOCATION CLEAN AND DRY! Next period will tell me if you don’t!  4. Sweep the floor if you spill.  5. At the end of the lab, all countertops, tables and stove tops need to be cleaned with Simple Green and dried with the last towel before it is put into the laundry basket.

 6. Sink is left clean and dry. Do NOT pour any food or grease down the drain!  7. Clean the microwaves following each use.  8. Make sure that your entire lab is clean and food-free (including under your sink) to discourage ants from invading.

9. If cooking equipment is borrowed from supply cupboards, it should be returned to the correct location.

Questions?  Now get ready to PRACTICE!!!  You will need to completely set-up your lab. Pick up towels, washcloths, potholders Pick up towels, washcloths, potholders Set up sink area (with dish drainer) Set up sink area (with dish drainer) Aprons on, hands washed, hair up Aprons on, hands washed, hair up Mise en place Mise en place Sauté pan, tongs, cutting board, chef knife, cheese grater, bowl Sauté pan, tongs, cutting board, chef knife, cheese grater, bowl