Question How does the type of surface affect the outcome of the egg’s shell breaking? Hypothesis As we increase the amount of the cushion on the surface, then the egg will not break because the surface will not be hard enough of a surface to make the egg break.
Materials 6 eggs (chicken grade AA) 3 different types of surfaces that you will be dropping the eggs onto (fluffy pillow, towel, 26 pages or sheets of newspaper) meter stick or measuring tape
MV-Type of surface that you are dropping the egg onto. RV- Outcome of the egg breaking or not CV- type of egg(chicken, grade AA), height that you are dropping your egg from(4 feet)
Egg Drop Observations Type of SurfaceTrial 1Trial 2 Fluffy PillowThe egg did not break. It bounced, then landed onto the kitchen floor. It also did not break and it also bounced again, but this time landed on the pillow. 5 layer towelIt did not break but it made a loud thump noise. It made a crack in the egg and some liquids oozed out. 26 Pages of NewspaperIt made a big hole and most of the egg insides came out. It completely exploded and everything splattered everywhere.
Procedure 1)Place the pillow on the ground. 2)Use your tape measure and measure 4 ft off the ground. 3) Grab one egg and hold it at 4 feet, then drop the egg onto the pillow. 4) Record your observations. 5) Clean your area and repeat steps 2-4 with a new egg 6) repeat steps 1-5 but with a towel folded into five layers 7) Repeat steps 1-5 but now with 26 layers of newspaper
Conclusion We thought that if we increased the softness of the surface, then the egg will not break. Our results showed the that the egg did not break under the soft surfaces. We can prove this because the egg did not break when on the pillow and it did break under the newspapers. This supports my original hypothesis. Therefore if we increase the softness of the surface, then the egg will not break.
Eggs are the most common things used to cook for breakfast. They have many things about them that you may have not known about them. Those certain things I will tell you about are the insides, how long the egg has been around, and how they are formed. First, on the inside of the egg is the embryo, the egg shell, egg white, and the egg yolk. The egg white is the white part of the egg you see when you cook it. The yolk is the yellow substance you see also, when you cook it. The yolk is the living part of the egg and has some protein in it which is very good for your health. The egg white also known as the albumin is supposed to be used to protect the yolk and also give it some nutrients. This is all about the insides of the egg. Second, comes the history of the egg. The egg goes all the way back to 1420 BCE. It shows a picture of a man carrying a bowl of ostrich eggs in Thebes, Egypt. Also, around 600 BC Europe has been domesticating hens. According to the bible, the chicken came first. The Egg Carton was invented by Joseph Coyle in Smithers, British Columbia. He tried to prevent eggs from breaking. That is the history of the egg. Third, now I will tell you about the forming of the egg. Eggs are usually in the female body unless you’re a seahorse. Most eggs need sperm, a certain milky substance which fertilizes the egg and gives the newborn it’s characteristics. Others don’t, like the chicken for example. This egg, I used in my experiment was a chicken egg. In conclusion, there is probably many things about eggs about eggs that I said that you probably did not hear about the way eggs are produced, the anatomy of it, and the history of the egg. That is all about the egg.
Abstract The purpose of my project is to determine how hard an egg’s shell is What I believed would have happened before the test was that the softer surface would have not broken the egg. I did not have any major errors that affected the outcome of my eggs. What I learned about completing my project was that eggs will not break under softer surfaces.