6 TH GRADE TRIP 2014/2015 Parent Meeting January 7, :00 PM
BLAST OFF (DEPARTURE) Please be here by 7:40 Jan 28, :00 am PROPMPTLY Students must be on bus in seat ready to leave. Location Idewyle (San Jacinto mountains) Students need to be completely packed Students should have EATEN BREAKFAST before arriving at school. Each student may bring one small “carry on” that contains a small snack, water bottle, and some entertainment activities. One electronic that will be collected upon arrival to the camp! Students must bring a sack lunch to eat when we arrive at ASTRO*camp. (THIS FIRST LUNCH IS NOT PROVIDED)
WHAT TO PACK (CREATIVELY IN ONE SUIT CASE) CLOTHES Pajamas Socks Underwear Layers (t shirts, thermals) Hoodies/Sweatshirts Jeans/Pants (NO SHORTS) Closed Toe Shoes (I prefer tennis shoes or good walking shoes) Flip Flops (to shower in) Swim Suit Waterproof Coat Beanie/ Gloves TOILETRIES Toothbrush/Toothpaste Hairbrush Deodorant Soap/ Loofah or Washcloth Shampoo/Conditioner Bath Towel/ Hand Towel Pool Towel BEDDING Sleeping Bag Blanket/Sheets Pillow CAMERA ( Not phone)
MEDICATIONS If your child gets car sick you might want to give them Dramamine to help before your child leaves. The container can be given to the teacher with the child's name and preferred dosage to be given before heading back to campus. Regular Prescriptions- All medications needed for each child must be in the original container prescribed by the doctor. Parents must put it in a bag and include written permission and proper dosage with the time to administer, as give it to the teacher. Only the teacher can give the child the medication. If your child has allergies please send an epi-pen just incase Children with asthma can have their inhaler but need to send an extra one with the teacher as back up.
WHAT NOT TO PACK !!!!!!!! FOOD GUM JEWELRY SHARP OBJECTS No Smart Phone as a camera ELECTRONICS in the dorm (Bus Only)
Food No peanut products are used in cooking Vegetarian meals are provided at each sitting. If a student requires special food, we have limited refrigerator space available to store your food. If serious food issues, parents can pack special foods in a cooler. If student requires special foods, Kitchen can warm up simple food that the parents have packed. At this time, they do NOT accommodate Kosher foods. Parents can pack special foods for their child which the kitchen can keep refrigerated and warm up. Gluten Free: We do not have “gluten free” alternatives; please have parents pack special foods. When in doubt, parents can pack child’s food.
$$$$$ Money $$$$$ Clothing ranges from Hats ($12) to Hoodies ($35) If you want a t-shirt and sweatshirt I recommend bringing $55 Miscellaneous items with Astro*Camp Logo ranges anywhere from $1 to $12 Mail Please do NOT send mail to your child while we are away at camp. DO surprise them with a hidden note in their suitcase.
RULES AND REGULATIONS Campers must be with a Chaperone at ALL times Campers need to be active participants of their scheduled activity. Campers may NOT take food into dorm rooms. Campers must wear SHOES at all times. Dorms are NOT coed dorms. Campers are responsible for their own property. Campers will be respectful and polite to everyone. YOU WILL be sent home with NO REFUND as a result of violating rules and regulations.
LANDING AND SAFE RETURN! Jan 30, 2015 between 3-5 pm your little scientists will arrive back at home base (RHLS). We will be leaving ASTRO*camp between 12:30 and 1:30 pm after lunch and board our shuttle bus. Ms. Rebecca will send out an once the bus is within 30 minutes from our school. Please make sure you are here on time to pick up your child (who will be really excited to see you and completely exhausted )
Contact Information Mrs. Vedvick’s Cell : ASTROCAMP Wed. Jan 28 th - Fri. Jan. 30 th 2015 Cost: $291(RHLS- memo ASTROCAMP) All money both student & chaperone is due Friday, January 23, 2015