Hand Washing The Center for Life Enrichment
Hand Washing Procedures The single most important factor in preventing and controlling the spread of infection is hand washing A person’s hands are the most common way that germs are spread from person to person
When Do I Wash My Hands? (not limited to) At the beginning of the shift or upon arrival at the job site Before and after administering each individual’s medications Before and after administering treatments Before and after the use of gloves At the end of your shift or when going off duty Before handling or serving food Before and after assisting with personal hygiene and/or grooming When in doubt, wash your hands!
Hand Washing Steps 1. Wet hands 2. Apply soap; bring hands together and create a heavy lather. Wash 2-3 inches above the wrists; get soap under your fingernails and between your fingers 3. Wash well for at least seconds or sing “Happy Birthday” twice (per CDC guidelines) 4. Rinse well 5. Pat hands dry with a clean paper towel. Discard it 6. Turn off faucet with another paper towel If hand washing cannot be done, antibacterial instant hand sanitizer must be used
Hand Washing Demonstration Click links to view the demonstration videos- sound is required: ◦ ◦