The Great Paper Towel Lab
What your report needs… Title 1 point –If you want…do this on a separate page. –Or not.
What your report needs… Purpose 2 points –Write out… Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to… Where can you find this?
What your report needs… Hypothesis 3 points –In complete sentences Hypothesis: Before doing this lab I thought…because… Where can you find this?
What your report needs… Data Table 15 points –Write this: Data Table: see attached sheet. Then staple it in your report.
What your report needs… Procedure for Part IV: Total Water Absorbed 6 pts. –Type the procedure you followed. –Make it look like a “real lab” sheet –Could someone else follow your directions?
What your report needs… Graphs (4 graphs) 8 pts. –Use the computer –Then color the graphs— make each brand the same color all the graphs.
What your report needs… A-Team Test 10 pts. –procedure + graph –Make it look like a “real lab” sheet
What your report needs… Overall Ranking 5 pts. –Now you decide… What towel is the BEST… 2 nd best… 3 rd best… … Worst!
What your report needs… Conclusion (RERUN) 20 pts. –Since The Great Paper Towel Lab is actually many labs combined your RERUN will be longer than normal. –Here are some tips to help you out:
What your report needs… RECALL Recall should be a full paragraph since you did lots and lots of things in this experiment. Briefly summarize all the experiments you conducted.
What your report needs… EXPLAIN –Explain the purpose. This will be a short explanation of why you did the lab. (Copy this sentence right off the direction sheet.)
What your report needs… RESULTS –Identify the best and worst towels. –Explain WHY Did you base your results on a particular test or combine all the tests, or look at the best value? There is no right or wrong answer to your results—you just have to be able to justify (explain) how you arrived at those results.
What your report needs… UNCERTAINTIES –Write two or three sentences for UNCERTAINTIES explaining your sources of error and things that might have gone wrong in your experiment.
What your report needs… NEW –Write two or three sentences explaining all the new things you: Would do differently next time Found interesting OR Learned
Title Page 1 pts. Purpose 2 pts. Hypothesis with explanation 3 pts. Data Table15 pts. Procedure for Part IV: Total Water Absorbed6 pts. Graphs (4 graphs)8 pts. A-Team Test (special sheet + graph)10 pts. Overall Ranking5 pts. Conclusion (RERUN)20 pts. TOTAL POSSIBLE70 pts.