Pandemic Flu Preparedness and Awareness
What is Flu and Pandemic Flu What is flu? Flu, also called influenza, is a contagious disease of the lungs and airways. Usually influenza viruses are spread in droplets of cough and sneezes. What is flu pandemic? A flu pandemic means a worldwide outbreak of the disease. Flu pandemics are global epidemics of a newly emerged strain of flu (a new influenza A subtype)
Swine flu is a contagious flu and capable of spreading from person to person. The incubation period seems to be approximately 12 hours to 24 hours before the symptoms appear. What is Swine Flu According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), swine influenza (flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs first isolated in swine in The illness is caused by four different type A influenza strains that can cause outbreaks in pigs, though subtypes H1N1 and H3N2 seem to be more common.
Flu symptoms? Fever (100.5 degrees F or higher) Headache Sore throat Body Aches Chills Cough Runny Nose Stomach and Intestinal Discomfort Extreme Tiredness Symptoms
Precautions to Follow Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Immediately dispose off used tissues in a wastebasket. If a tissue is not available, sneeze into your upper sleeve (at the crease of your elbow), not in your hands. Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand cleaner. Flu germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with the virus and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. Hence avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth frequently. Reducing person-to-person contact via personal greetings e.g. hand-shaking etc. Visiting of or other contact with unwell people should be avoided wherever practicable. Minimise hand contact with potentially contaminated surfaces such as handrails, door handles etc. If you are unwell, do not travel.
Good hand washing practices Clean your hands frequently. Use soap and water. Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available. Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces. Continue rubbing hands for 20 seconds. Rinse hands well under running water. Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet. When using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, apply product to the palm of one hand, rub hands together and rub over all surfaces of hands and fingers until hands are dry.
Protecting your family Teach your children to wash hands frequently with soap and water, and model the behavior. Teach your children to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues, and be sure to model that behavior. Teach your children to stay away from others as much as possible if they are sick. Ask them to stay away from school if sick. Steps to protect yourself and your family:
If you are ill…… If you are ill with probable/suspected/confirmed SOIV (Swine Origin Influenza Viral Infection – Novel H1N1), stay home until your symptoms are gone. It will speed your recovery and limit the spread of the virus. Resume office only on advice of your physician. If you are ill with probable/suspected/confirmed SOIV, rest and drink plenty of fluids. Protect your co-workers. In case you have probable/ suspected/ confirmed SOIV, work from home (self quarantine). Stay home if you have an family member probable/suspected/confirmed SOIV (voluntary home quarantine). If you or your family member is probable/suspected/confirmed SOIV, do get in touch with your contact point at your locations.
Contact Points For more information on the Flu please visit the site