Mexicos Image Abroad : The Vision of our Foreign Partners March 4, 2011 Company: Apple Vacations Presenter: Eugene Rybicki.


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Presentation transcript:

Mexicos Image Abroad : The Vision of our Foreign Partners March 4, 2011 Company: Apple Vacations Presenter: Eugene Rybicki

CONSUMER SURVEY OF APPLE VACATIONS CUSTOMERS IN U.S.A consumer responses. 31% Male 69% Female. Age Range: yrs 17% 35 – 44 yrs 24% 45 – 54 yrs 31% % Responses from consumers in 34 states in U.S.A. Survey focuses on travel to Mexico in Responses are direct feedback from consumers and are not the statements of Apple Vacations as a company.

KEY SURVEY RESULTS 44% of responses traveled to Mexico in % made one trip to Mexico. 22% made two trips to Mexico. 8% made three trips to Mexico. 18% of responses traveled with children under 18 year of age. 82% of responses did not travel with children under 18 year of age. The age of the children who traveled: % % %

KEY SURVEY RESULTS 89% of responses had traveled to Mexico before. Repeat Customers! How many times before? 1st time 15% 2nd time 16% 3rd time 14% 4th time 11% 5th time 43% 84% have traveled to Mexico more than one. 68% have traveled to Mexico more than three times.

Why did you not travel to Mexico in 2010? 70% concerns about safety, security and violence in Mexico. 30% taking vacations in U.S.A., other destinations or did not travel for other reasons.

Do you plan on traveling to Mexico in 2011? No of Responses 13,844 61% Yes 39% No 39% do not plan on visiting Mexico in % vacationing in other international destination. 29% vacationing in U.S.A. 10% not taking a vacation. 48% other reasons. Of the 48% responses indicating other reasons, 75% decided not to travel due to concerns about safety, security and violence in Mexico.

61% will visit Mexico in How many visits will you make? 1 Trip 71% 2 Trips24% 3 Trips 3%

Has the media impacted your decision to travel to Mexico? No of Responses 13,842 34% Yes 66% No How was the media impacted your decision to travel to Mexico? No of Responses 4668 = 30% 95% stated concerns about security and drug related violence.

Have you seen advertising campaigns on Billboards, TV, Radio, Internet or other venues about Mexico? No of Responses 13,840 57% Yes 43% No Do these campaigns increase you are desire to go to Mexico? 60% Yes 40% No

Do you enjoy leaving the Resort to go on excursions or explore the Resort? No of Responses 11,672 84% Yes 16% No How many times would you leave the resort in a 7 day period? 1 11% % %

KEY INDICATORS FROM THIS SURVEY The media coverage of violence in Mexico is impacting on the customers decision to travel to Mexico. The Principal comments why customers do no want to travel to Mexico is concerns about safety and security. Customers who have not traveled to Mexico or have traveled on 1 previous visit are less likely to travel or are delaying a visit until their perception of insecurity and violence has changed. Families with children are less likely to travel to Mexico especially if they had not visited Mexico in the past. It is more difficult to generate new customers with the current media coverage and perceptions. Customers who have traveled to Mexico at least twice before are more likely to continue to visit Mexico. 61% of customers indicate they will visit Mexico in 2011

GOOD NEWS! Advertising campaigns continue to promote the beauty of Mexico and its most attractive destinations. Campaigns are running to educate the travel industry, travel professionals and consumers about the geography and tourist destinations in Mexico. Customers are educating themselves through consumer comments on social media networks such as facebook and twitter as well as uploading video and text testimonials to You Tube and other sites such as Trip Advisor. Mexico has never been better Value for Money for the consumer. 11% of U.S.A. customers say that they will use their tax returns to go on vacations!