Beef, Poultry, and Seafood
A single serving of beef provides nearly 50% of the Daily Value for protein A 3oz. Serving of lean beef contributes to less than 10% of calories to a 2,000 calorie diet. Lean beef There are more than 29 cuts that meet the governmental guidelines for “lean” Lean has less than 10g of total fat 4.5 g or less of saturated fat Less than 95 mg of cholesterol
You need 5-7 oz. from the meat, poultry, fish, dry bean, egg and nut group daily. Protein is the main nutrient found in meat. The main functions of protein are: Build and repair muscle tissue Replace muscle tissue Make antibodies
Meat from a cow is called beef Meat from a Calf is called veal Meat from a pig is called pork Meat from a young sheep is called lamb Meat from a mature sheep is called mutton Meat from chicken, turkey or fowl is called poultry Liver, brains or heart is referred to as variety meats
Meat come from the muscle of the animal. It is government inspected for wholesomeness Locomotion meats Tough Support meats Tender Most nutritious Best flavor Costs the most
Marbling is the small amount of fat throughout the meat which provides tenderness, flavor and moistness
You can produce tenderness in less tender cuts of meat by Marinating with acid Pounding Moist heat cooking Commercial tenderizers Grinding Scoring
Meat label Kind of meat Primal wholesale cut Retail cut
Grain-finished Cattle spend most of their time grazing in pasture and then 4-6 months in a feedyard Fed a scientifically and healthy diet of corn, wheat, and soybeans May be given FDA- approved antibiotics or growth promoting hormones May be given vitamins and minerals The cattle has access to clean water and room to grow and roam
Grass Finished Cattle spend their entire lives grazing on pasture May be given FDA- approved antibiotics or growth promoting hormones May be given vitamins and minerals Can be difficult to produce year round in North America due to changing seasons and weather conditions
Naturally Raised Cattle can be grain- finished or grass-finished, look at the label for details Have never received antibiotics or growth promoting hormones May be given vitamin and mineral supplements Must be certified by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service
Certified Organic Cattle can be grain- finished or grass-finished, as long as the feed is 100% organic Have never received antibiotics or growth promoting hormones May be given vitamin and mineral supplements Must be certified by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service Look for the official label
Steaks are thinner cuts while roasts are a thicker cut Fresh meats will usually last in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 days. The safest way to thaw frozen meats is in the refrigerator Next best way is by microwaving OR Under cold running water
USDA Stamped w/ harmless vegetable dye Meat Graded according to: ▪ Marbling (internal fat w/in the muscle tissues) ▪ Age of animal ▪ Texture and appearance of meat Common grades of beef: Prime ▪ Well marbled, tender, flavorful, $$$ Choice ▪ Most common, less marbling than prime but still tender Select ▪ Least amount of marbling, least expensive Lamb & Veal Same as beef w/ “good” replacing “select” Pork Not graded due to uniform and consistent quality
Color Red to brown Pink to white Flavor Heat creates chemical reactions w/ in the cut Texture Heated meat loses fat and moisture—shrinks Muscle fibers get firmer Connecting tissue becomes more tender
Marinade- seeping in a liquid Tenderizing Adding flavor to meats 3 basic ingredients Oil, an acid, seasonings Using marinades Fish- 30 minutes to an hour Meat and poultry- 6-8 hours (30 min. for some flavor is good) To cook: ▪ Drain food from marinade ▪ Make a separate batch to baste with
Salt is added at the end of cooking A thermometer is the best way to ensure properly cooked meat A thermometer should be placed in the center of the meat, away from the fat and bone Cooking methods Dry heat Moist heat Undercooked ground beef can result in E. coli To reduce the fat in ground beef after cooking, rinse with warm water
Less tender cuts Methods Simmering Stewing Braising Overcooking- mushy meat, loses flavor
Thaw any frozen meat Clean meat Rinse w/ cold water & pat dry Trimming the fat Moist heat- remove skin from poultry Dry heat- leave skin on while cooking to prevent drying out
Roasting or Baking Broiling Poaching Microwave Pan-fry Stewing Braising Stir-frying
Using a meat thermometer- insert into thickest part of meat, away from bones & fat Make sure it has reached it’s internal temperature Fish- “10 minute rule” (10 min. for every inch in thickness)
Refrigeration/Freezer as soon as possible after purchasing If you plan to freeze your beef, think ahead and re-package into right size portions Place meat packages on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator on a plate to catch the juices Refrigerate leftovers promptly after serving Ground Meat- refrigerator 1-2 days freezer 3-4 months Fresh Meat- refrigerator 3-4 days Freezer 6-9 months (beef can be stored to 12 months)
Boneless meat provides 4 servings per pound Some bone or fat provides 2 to 3 servings per pound Large amount of bone or fat provides 1 to 2 servings per pound
Chicken- Light meat- leaner and milder flavor; breasts and wings Dark Meat- more oxygen in this part of meat (more myoglobin) which causes dark color; legs and thighs; higher in fat Purchasing Chicken- whole, cut up, or in specific parts ▪ “Fresh”- never been chilled below 26 F ▪ “Hard Chilled”- chilled between 0 F and 26 F ▪ “Frozen” or “Previously Frozen”- has been chilled to below 0F
Broiler-fryer Most tender & most common Roaster Larger & older than broiler-fryer Yield more meat per pound Stewing Older, mature birds Less tender----must use moist cooking methods Rock Cornish game hens Young, small, special breed One bird= one serving (Mid-evil Times) Capons Desexed roosters under 10 months old Tender & flavorful, best roasted
Larger than chickens and have a stronger flavor Roasting- most common cooking method The different type of turkeys are categorized by size: ▪ Beltsville or Fryer-roaster- ▪ Smallest type of turkey ▪ Average weight 5-9 lbs. ▪ Least available type of turkey ▪ Hen- ▪ Female turkey ▪ Average weight 8-16 lbs. ▪ Tom- ▪ Male ▪ Up to 24 lbs.
Ducks and Geese- All dark meat Flavorful yet high in fat Usually only sold as whole & frozen
Healthy eating Ground Chicken or Turkey “Ground Turkey Breast” or “Ground Chicken”- both meat and skin “Ground Turkey Breast Meat” or “Ground Chicken Meat”- only meat (no skin) Can be substituted for ground beef- healthier yet drier (add more liquid/seasoning)
Edible poultry organs Liver, gizzard (stomach), and heart Usually removed, packaged, and stuffed inside bird
USDA- United States Department of Agriculture Grade may appear on the package or attached to the wing of the bird Grade A, B, or C Grade A is the most common found in supermarkets Practically free of defects Good shape and appearance Meaty
Look for poultry w/ good appearance High Quality Characteristics: plump, meaty, smooth and soft skin, well distributed fat, no tiny feathers, no bruises Boneless pieces are more expensive Store in refrigerator for 1-2 days Freeze for longer storage
Seafood- edible finfish and shellfish Types and Market Forms of Fish and Shellfish: Finfish- have fins, a bony skeleton, and a backbone Shellfish- no fins or bones but have a shell Freshwater Fish- Inland waters such as lakes, ponds, and rivers Saltwater Fish- (seafood) Waters such as oceans and seas Today many fish farms are able to raise both
Light color, mild flavor, and tender texture: Catfish, Cod, Flounder, Haddock, Halibut, Perch, Pike, Pollock, Pompano, Red Snapper, Sole, Trout, Turbot, Whitefish Dark color, more pronounced flavor, and firm texture: Bluefish, Mackerel, Salmon, Swordfish, Tuna
Drawn- Whole fish w/ scales, gills, and internal organs removed Dressed or Pandressed- “Drawn” fish w/ head, tail, and fins removed Filets- Sides of fish cut lengthwise away from bones and backbone (usually boneless) Steaks- Cross sections cut from large dressed fish (may contain bones)
Fresh- HOW FRESH IS FRESH??? Frozen- usually sold as filets/ must thaw in refrigerator Canned- tuna, salmon (oil vs. water) Cured- smoked, pickled, salted
Mild, sweet flavor Mainly found in oceans and seas but some from freshwater Two types- crustaceans & mollusks Crustaceans- long bodies w/ jointed limbs/ covered w/ shells ▪ Crabs- Round shell, eight legs, two claws; sold live, cooked, or frozen ▪ Crayfish- (freshwater) “crawfish” look like small lobsters ▪ Lobster- long, jointed body w/ 4 pair of legs & 2 lg. Claws, all covered w/ a hard shell ▪ Average weight is 1 ¼ lb.- 2 ¼ lb. ▪ Fresh lobster is sold and cooked live ▪ Maine is the most popular place for fresh lobster ▪ Shrimp- vary in size and color, usually sold frozen or previously frozen, raw or cooked Mollusks- soft bodies covered by at least 1 shell ▪ Clams ▪ Mussels ▪ Oysters ▪ Scallops ▪ Squid (calamari)
FDA- Food and Drug Administration & National Marine Fisheries Service of the US Dep’t of Commerce
Buy from a reliable source Display of fish Be sure that ice is covering all of the fish Ready-to-eat fish should not be directly next to fresh fish Appearance and aroma Fresh fish- shiny skin & mild aroma/ skin should spring back when touched Shellfish- must be live to be fresh Store fish in refrigerator (1- 2 days) or freezer immediately Do not put saltwater shellfish in fresh water If fish smells “fishy” it is NOT good
In your kitchen groups, cut out a large fish out of construction paper Make scales on the fish. On each scale there should be a fact. Each member in the group needs to come up with 5 facts. Put your name or initials on your facts Use the textbook to get your facts starting on page 560 Break the chapter into Nutrients, Types, Buying and Storing and Cooking methods. Each person should contribute at least 10 facts from each section.