Shelby Emily Lauren Clair THIS IS A TEMPLATE. Change font and background to fit your groups preference. Please be sure it has been spell checked, is VERY neat and organized/easy to read. Bounce of Glory
Does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of a bounce? Problem Does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of a bounce? Must be testable with in a 7th grade science classroom.
Hypothesis If we measure the bounce of tennis balls at various temperatures, then the heated ball will bounce the highest. Must be in an if-then format.
Variables Independent Variable: temperature of tennis ball Dependent Variable: height of bounce in cm Controlled Variables: meter stick, tennis ball brand, the surface, and the height that the ball is dropped from DRY MIX
Materials 3 new tennis balls Meter stick Hot Plate Freezer Beaker Timer List all the materials that you will use to conduct this investigation.
Procedure Obtain 3 tennis balls: one at room temperature, one that has been heated in a beaker on a hot place for 5 minutes, and one that has been in a freezer for 24 hours Place meter stick vertically on the tile floor with 0 cm pointing down. Place the heated tennis ball at 1 meter. Drop the tennis ball and record the height. Do this 3 times for each tennis ball. Repeat steps 2-5 for the frozen and room temperature tennis ball. These are the step-by-step directions for how your group will carry out the investigation.
Observations Include any pictures of your lab setup or of your group completing the investigation.
Observations/Analysis Height of a Tennis Ball Bounce at Different Temperatures Room Temperature Hot plate Freezer Trial 1 56 cm 70 cm 22 cm Trial 2 61 cm 27 cm Trial 3 63 cm 72 cm 31 cm This should include a data table and graph and any qualitative changes your group notes during the collection of data. Do NOT forget DRY MIX and TAILS for your graph. Be sure to include titles for both the data table and the graph.
Observations/Analysis Height of a Tennis Ball Bounce at Different Temperatures Height of Bounce in cm This should include a data table and graph and any qualitative changes your group notes during the collection of data. Do NOT forget DRY MIX and TAILS for your graph. Be sure to include titles for both the data table and the graph. Condition of Tennis Ball
Conclusion Our tennis ball experiment proved our hypothesis correct. The heated tennis ball will bounce higher because the molecules in the rubber of the tennis ball expanded causing a higher bounce. As are trials continued, the tennis balls seemed to adapt to the surrounding temperature. The time the tennis balls were being heated or cooled could have affected are experiment greatly because the more the heat, the higher the bounce. However, the cooler the ball, the lower the bounce. Therefore, the frozen tennis ball bounced the lowest of the three. Each tennis ball bounced right against the meter stick which helped us measure the height of the bounce. We also had a tape measure that reached higher than one meter. The purpose of the tape measure was to measure any bounces that went over one meter. Everything went well and we felt we gathered accurate results. PLEASE SEE THE HANDOUT: “How to Write a CONCLUSION” on netschool. Restate you hypothesis. Address whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect. Address you data and PROVE how you know your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
Reflection If we could change something to make this experiment better we would heat the ball up to higher temperature for a longer amount of time to see if the bounce was even greater than found during our testing. We would also keep the ball in the freezer for a longer period of time to see if the results would vary. What would you change to make this investigation better next time. What would you keep the same? What worked well?