ActivityTime Needed Instructions Needed Occasional Greeter (Contact Maggie McLaughlin)60 minutesYes Invite a visitor to stay for coffee/pot luck1 minuteNo Phone a member you haven't seen at service for a while and invite him/her to come and sit with you minutesNo Smile and say good morning to a visitor1 minuteNo Wear your nametag1 minuteNo Clean up after coffee one Sunday30 minutesNo During your regular grocery shopping, buy bargain cookies/muffins/unfrosted cake and stash it in the church pantry/freezer for coffee hour.10 minutesNo Make coffee one Sunday (Contact Jay Gibson)20 minutesYes
ActivityTime Needed Instructions Needed Keep the foyer welcome/information table neat10 minutesNo Put your nametag away neatly1 minuteNo Take down and discard outdated bulletin board items15 minutesNo Keep the coat room neat and free of clutter10 minutesNo Pick up/toss any trash you see on the floors, windowsills, sidewalks, etc5 minutesNo Remove Flower Arrangements when they start to fade10 minutesNo Seasonal Sanctuary Decoration (Contact Betsy Mortenson) minutesYes Water Plants15 minutesNo