Healthy lunchbox Information session for families April 2014
What will be covered in the session? What foods should be included in a healthy lunchbox What foods should be left out of a lunchbox Tips for making food easier to eat Tips for ensuring food stays cold and safe to eat throughout the day
Why is it important to pack a healthy lunchbox? Improves concentration and learning Provides children with the energy they need to play and be active To keep children healthy and avoid unwanted fats, sugars and salt Images sourced from
What do I need to pack? A snack for morning tea Food for lunch Some fruit and vegetables Bottle of water Crunch&Sip ® Many schools provide a Crunch&Sip ® break throughout the day & therefore children may be required to pack a snack of fruit and/or vegetables For more information about Crunch&Sip ® visit:
A healthy lunchbox should include: 1.A wholegrain bread and cereal food 2.A meat or meat alternative food 3. A piece of fruit 4.Crunchy, colourful vegetable(s) 5.A dairy food 6.Water to drink For more information visit the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating:
Lunch ideas Sandwiches, wraps or rolls with: – Grated cheese, grated carrot and sultanas – Shredded chicken, avocado and mayonnaise – Cream cheese and sprouts – Tuna and cucumber – Lean meat and salad – Sliced/mashed egg and avocado Corn/rice cakes or crackers with: – Egg – Lean meats – Beans – Cheese Rice or pasta meals that can be eaten cold – Include eating utensils (e.g. spoon or fork) Tip: Cut up sandwiches and wraps so that they are easy for your child to eat
Healthy snack ideas yoghurt cheese crackers (Reduced fat dairy for children >2 years old) fruit pieces vegetable pieces fruit bread or pikelets
Foods to avoid ×Potato chips, flavoured savoury biscuits and instant noodles ×Cakes, muesli bars, and sweet biscuits ×Pastries (e.g. pies, sausage rolls) ×Fast food and takeaway meals ×Fruit ‘roll-ups’, lollies and chocolate bars ×Fatty meats (e.g. sausages, salami) ×Soft drinks, cordial, fruit juice, juice drinks, sports drinks, flavoured milks For more information: drink-choiceshttp:// drink-choices
Keeping food safe Pack a frozen drink bottle or freezer brick inside the lunchbox or bag next to foods that should be kept cold, for example meats, salads, cheeses and yoghurts If making lunches ahead of time, keep them in the fridge until leaving for child care or freeze them in advance. Foods that freeze well include bread, cooked meat and cheese Ask children to keep packed lunches out of direct sunlight and away from heat so that food stays fresh Regularly empty and wash your child’s lunchbox For more information visit the NSW food authority website: