The Role of Moral Disengagement in the Execution Process
The Stanford Study (Osofsky, Bandura, & Zimbardo) The Study The Study Interviews with 246 personnel (both execution team members and non-execution team members) from 3 maximum-security prisons in 3 southern states with high rates of executions (all states used lethal injection) Interviews with 246 personnel (both execution team members and non-execution team members) from 3 maximum-security prisons in 3 southern states with high rates of executions (all states used lethal injection) Systems of Execution Systems of Execution Religious Model Religious Model Security Model Security Model Professional Model Professional Model
What are the essential components that make up the “anatomy” of an execution strap-down team? Escort Escort “Strap-down” “Strap-down” Diffused Responsibility Diffused Responsibility “We each have a small role on the team. We carry out a job for the state. The press and the victims are watching We have a the state. The press and the victims are watching We have a certain duty and do it as efficiently as possible.” -Strap-down team member, Penitentiary A
How did Osofsky, Bandura, and Zimbardo measure executioners methods of moral disengagement? Moral Disengagement Theory Moral Disengagement Theory Institutional Roles and “Dirty Work” Institutional Roles and “Dirty Work” Moral Justification Moral Justification “If a society is to be law-abiding society, murders must be avenged with capital punishment” capital punishment” Euphemistic Language Euphemistic Language “Capital punishment is just a legal penalty for murder” Advantageous Comparison Advantageous Comparison “An execution is merciful compared to a murder.” Displacement of Responsibility Displacement of Responsibility “Those who carry out state executions should not be criticized for following society’s wishes.” Minimizing or disregarding harmful consequences Minimizing or disregarding harmful consequences “Nowadays the death penalty is done in ways that minimize the suffering of the person being executed.” Dehumanization Dehumanization “Murderers who receive the death penalty have forfeited the right to be considered full human beings”
What were some of the main findings of Osofsky,Bandura, and Zimbrado’s study? Levels of moral disengagement among execution and non-execution team members Levels of moral disengagement among execution and non-execution team members Dehumanization Dehumanization Moral Justification Moral Justification “We are taking a perfectly healthy human being and executing him. I had to make sure it was all right between me and God.” Participation rate and levels of moral disengagement Participation rate and levels of moral disengagement Routinization of lethal functions Routinization of lethal functions “No matter what it is, the it gets easier over time. The job just gets easier.”