Ingrid Koch Wisconsin Department of Transportation New Freedom Program Manager MTAP Winter Meeting December, Phoenix, Arizona
Mobility management in Wisconsin Has a “person” centered focus maximizes resources through the process of collaboration Attends to a person’s transportation needs Fundable under a number of federal programs. New Freedom (Section 5317) for projects general in nature WETAP (JARC and state funds) for projects focusing on employment or low-income Some by STRAP (Supplemental Transportation Rural Assistance Program)
Evolution of mobility management in Wisconsin Formation of Wisconsin’s Interagency Council on Transportation Coordination (ICTC) in October, 2005 One of the eleven priorities in the 2006 Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plans ICTC Conference held in April, 2007 Two NTI sessions of “Coordinated Mobility” in June, 2007 WI New Freedom program development first grant cycle in fall, 2007 for project implementation in calendar year 2008 Promotion by WisDOT staff Put into practice by mobility managers in the field
Significant challenges Per the 2000 census, Wisconsin’s population density is high when compared to the rest of the nation, but roughly on par with the U.S. if low-density Alaska is removed from the calculation. Population density varies dramatically across the state. Rural areas average 32 persons per square mile, some with less than 10 persons per square mile. In contrast, the City of Milwaukee has 6,214 persons per square mile. Public transportation service, as it is traditionally known, is virtually non-existent in many of the extremely rural areas of the state.
Population density
Mobility managers 29 mobility managers throughout the state 16 hired - first New Freedom application cycle 9 funded by JARC / WETAP (Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance Program) 4 funded by STRAP (Supplemental Transportation Rural Assistance Program)
Mobility managers – 2009 47 mobility managers throughout the state 20 - New Freedom 18 - JARC / WETAP 4 - STRAP 5 - other federal, state and/or local funding sources
Who employs them? Aging and Disability Resource Centers / Departments and Commissions on Aging / Senior Services Agencies Cities, Counties / Transit Commissions Transit Agencies United Way / Women’s Employment Center Independent Living Centers Community Action Coalitions / Programs / Service Agencies / Community Development Agencies Social / Human Service Agencies / Economic Opportunity Councils
Who decides what the projects are? Activities and projects were identified and defined through the locally developed human services transportation coordination planning process Local decisions drive project activities WisDOT does not proscribe mobility management projects or activities Projects funded by New Freedom must be an eligible activity as described in the NF Circular
Mobility Management Training Program initiative Needed an organized, efficient manner in which to share information, best practices and other resources Annual program with continuation based on need Fully sponsored by WisDOT RFQ for contracted services with a national consultant Consultant subcontracts with a meeting planner to handle logistics
Objectives Assist mobility managers in becoming effective and efficient very quickly Provide training on topics relevant to mobility management Build awareness of resources and best practices Develop a strong peer network with other mobility managers in the state and across the nation
Components Four 2-day workshops in 2008 Five in 2009 and planned for 2010 Monthly teleconferences facilitated by consultant Two Google groups 18 mobility managers were fully sponsored to attend the 18th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation in Omaha in October, 2008 Considering the possibility of sponsoring some to attend the 19 th National Conference in Burlington, Vermont in October, 2010
What’s included in the curriculum? Mobility Management 101 History of Public Transportation 101 Funding Sources Negotiation Skills Partnership Development Performance Measurement Basics of ADA Inventory development / Coordinated plan One-stop Call Centers CTAA’s Transportation Solutions Coordinator Car Repair / Vehicle Loan Programs Wisconsin’s Rideshare Program Travel Training Volunteer Driver Programs Voucher Programs IT / Software Needs Financial Management Grant Management Requirements, Expectations and Recommendations for Grant Proposal Submissions Best Practices and Resources Peer Networking Reporting
Results Increased effectiveness and efficiency of mobility management projects Increased education and awareness of resources Greater knowledge about funding sources Increased transportation coordination resulting in more rides for more people
2008 projects Only 6 of 72 counties were not yet involved in mobility management projects
2008 projects in place Numerous regional mobility management projects 3 formally identified in 2008 New Freedom projects 2 separate regional projects cover 18 and 20 counties respectively
2008 programs 10 car loan programs (WETAP) 7 projects for new service 5 voucher programs 4 vehicle repair programs 3 car pool programs 3 rideshare programs 3 shuttle programs 3 travel training programs 3 volunteer driver programs 2 volunteer escort programs 1 “bus buddy” program
2009 mobility management projects 69 of 72 counties were involved in mobility management activities, either on a county basis, regionally, or both
2009 projects and programs Continuation of most of the projects from new mobility management projects 2 are regional 4 new one-stop call centers 4 new ‘Work-n-Wheels’ car loan programs 1 new voucher program 1 additional travel training program 3 new service projects
Preliminary service data for CY2008, projections for CY
Preliminary mobility management data for CY2008, projections for CY
2009’s other notable accomplishments Creation of the Wisconsin Mobility Managers’ logo Mobility Managers were folded into the Wisconsin Rural and Paratransit Providers Association Provides credence and reinforcement of the value of mobility management as a whole Ultimate vision is for them to establish their own Association called WAMM – Wisconsin Association of Mobility Managers Implementation of the Wisconsin Mobility Management certification program Certification is by WisDOT and will pass to the Association after 2010 Requirements include completion of five steps: core curriculum supplemental curriculum one-year practicum peer sharing a final exam
What’s in store for 2010? Proposals for continuation of all of the projects from 2008 – 2009 plus: three new mobility management projects the initial appearance of “car sharing” programs several transportation orientation programs two new service projects Continuation of the training program
More information Google group Mobility Management Forum open to the public WisDOT New Freedom program information v/localgov/transit/newfreedo m.htm Transportation Coordination v/localgov/coordination/ index.htm Wisconsin’s Mobility Management information ov/localgov/transit/newfree dom-mobility.htm ov/localgov/transit/newfree dom-mobility-wi.htm My contact information