ADP - C126 OBS SI CT Sensor (SBE 37-SI) 3/8” Chain RUTG RUTG /8” Chain CT Sensor (SBE 37-SM) CT Sensor (SBE 37-SM) #2791 Nortek AWAC #N /8” Galvanized chain Dor-Mor Anchor 70 lb CT Sensor w/OBS (SBE 16 plus) w/ Paro PS SN 4170 OBS Dor-Mor Anchor 70 lb PR N W HR N W Design for 7m grnd. chain 50 ft surf. chain 35 ft Design for 9m grnd. chain 60 ft surf. chain 45 ft Chart depth: 30 ft. MLLW (This is not accurate; avg. depth is ~5 m) Chart depth: 30 ft. MLLW Mooring location ~7 m depth PR1 - Actual N W Deployed
CT Sensor (SBE 16 Plus) w/ Paro PS SN 4583 OBS – 600 OBS – 1927 RDI ADCP 600 kHz SN A Acoustic Release w/ Popup Buoy CT Sensor (SBE 16 Plus) SN 4168 OBS RDI ADCP 1200 kHz SN A Acoustic Release w/ Popup Buoy CT Sensor (SBE 16 Plus) SN 4169 OBS RDI ADCP 1200 kHz SN A Acoustic Release w/ Popup Buoy CT sensor (SBE 37-SM) on Coast Guard buoy Diver could ratchet strap instrument to buoy CT sensor (SBE 37-SM) on Coast Guard buoy Diver could ratchet strap instrument to buoy CT sensor (SBE 37-SM) on Coast Guard buoy Diver could ratchet strap instrument to buoy KVK N W AK N W NB N W Chart depth: 35 ft. MLLW Chart depth: 35 ft. MLLW Recently dredged to ~55 ft. Chart depth: 35 ft. MLLW Also recently dredged; depth unknown KVK1 - Actual N W Freq 9 Code A Depth 56’ AK1 - Actual N W Freq 10 Code B Depth 47’ NB1 - Actual N W Freq 11 Code C Depth 43’ Deployed
Hackensack River (HR1) surface bottom KVK surface bottom (16plus w/ paro) AK surface bottom (16plus) NB surface bottom (16plus) PR surface bottom (16plus w/ paro)
3/8” Galvanized chain Dor-Mor Anchor 70 lb 3/8” or ½” Poly line NB1_ADV N W Design for 5m grnd. chain 33 ft surf. line 25 ft Chart depth: 2 m MLLW CT Sensor (SBE 37SM) SN 3788 Deployed NB1_ADV Actual N W Depth 11’
Denotes mooring location Nobeltec plot showing navigational buoys Denotes mooring location w/ CT sensor on CG buoy CG buoy #’s: KVK - "10" Q R 1s AK - "20" NB - "21" HR1 (red box) and CT sensors on CG buoys are NOT deployed