1 Detail of stud to concrete footing connection Galvanized strap min. depth 3'-0" Ground surface Concrete base Concrete pier Double base plate Stud Stud to concrete connection
2 Stud and top plate connection
3 Rafters and top plates should be anchored with galvanized straps
4 Anchorage of timber beams to concrete beams Use of galvanized hurricane straps is recommended
5 Anchorage details between steel joist and masonry walls
6 Interaction between structural and nonstructural elements
7 Considerations for infilling masonry partitions If the infilling masonry wall acts as part of the structural system, it will undergo great deformations and failures
8 Reinforcement method: addition of (interior or exterior) walls
9 Retrofitted wall in children’s hospital in Santo Domingo
10 Details of retrofitted wall sections
11 Construction method details of retrofitted wall
12 Front view of retrofitted wall
13 Lateral view of retrofitted wall
Pan American Health Organization 2005 These slides have been made possible through the financial support of the Disaster Preparedness Program of the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (DIPECHO III). Ph: (809) Fax: (809) Grupo de Estabilidad Estructural (Ge 2 ) / INTEC Ave Los Próceres, Galá Apdo Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic