Being Human, Becoming Christian: An Embodied Reconciliation of Heaven and Earth Cherith Fee-Nordling, Alan Hirsch, Deb Hirsch and Tory Baucum.


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Presentation transcript:

Being Human, Becoming Christian: An Embodied Reconciliation of Heaven and Earth Cherith Fee-Nordling, Alan Hirsch, Deb Hirsch and Tory Baucum

What Are Humans For? A Nuptial Biblical Theology

What Are Humans For? Starting our theology where the Bible does

What Are Humans For? Bible does not start with original sin (Genesis 3) but rather with original design (Genesis 1-2).

What Are Humans For? Genesis 1-3 is the grammar – building blocks of meaning - for reading the rest of the Bible.

What Are Humans For? Canonical Book Ends: 1 st Human Words are words of the Bridegroom: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of flesh” (Gen 2:23).

Canonical Book Ends: Last Human Words are words of the Bride: “Come Lord Jesus, Come!” (Rev 22:17, 21)

What Are Humans For? The story of “Man and Woman in the Garden of God” is the story of the Bible in miniature.

What Are Humans For? The Bible begins and ends with a wedding in a garden. The center piece of the Bible is a wedding song – “Song of Songs.” This is the soundtrack of the Bible.

What Are Humans For? We will utilize this “grammar” towards the reading of John’s Gospel.

What Are Humans For? John the Baptist’s introduction of Jesus: “the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie” (1:27).

What Are Human’s Form “Untying the sandal strap” was the role of a kinsman redeemer who sought to marry the widow of a close relative. (Deut. 25:9 & Ruth 4:1-7)

What Are Humans For? Is this “untying the strap” phrase really a reference to Israel’s marital customs? Maybe I’m straining the soup to thin?

What Are Humans For? John 2 – Jesus begins the redemption of the world at a Wedding. Another hint?

What Are Humans For? John 3:29 – John the Baptist is now explicit: “ The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice.”

What Are Humans For? John 4: Samaritan Woman at the Well – or – How does Jesus woo his bride?

John 4 Con’t. Key motifs – Well scenes are type scenes – how women are wooed. See Rebekah, Rachel and Zipporah (Genesis 24:12-14, 29:10-12 and Exodus 2:16-20)

John 4 Con’t. Theology as Deflection – “You Jews, We Samaritans” Different Torah, Temple and Territory 3 Pillars of Judaism Altered

John 4 Con’t. Heart of the Issue is the Human Heart “Go call your husband?” v16 5 husbands, 1 partner. Jesus is the seventh man and the one she had always been looking for?

What Are Humans For? First comes love, then marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage. This is the image Jesus’ uses to predict his passion.

John 16 Con’t. “ When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anquish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world” (v. 21)

What Are Humans For? After the resurrection, Jesus is initially confused as a gardener. This is in response to his query to Mary: “Whom are you seeking?” (20:15-16)

Where Does this Story End? “The climax of the story of redemption is the marriage supper of the lamb (Rev. 19:9-10). If history began with a wedding in Eden and closes with one in the New Jerusalem, the biblical story runs from wedding to wedding, from temporal symbol to eternal reality” -Dennis Kinlaw, “Let’s Start with Jesus”, p 64.

What Are Humans For? 1.Design (Sexual Difference) + Desire (Union) = Destiny 2.Marriage is God’s “pedagogy” for our ultimate union with God 3.Disordered desire (lust, etc) must not be repressed but redeemed

Next Steps? Do the “Our Bodies Proclaim the Gospel” seminar: standard-product/our-bodies-proclaim-the- gospel-4-cds-study-guide/

Jesus of Nazareth Image of the Invisible God... Son of the Father Born of the Spirit and of Mary

Jesus of Nazareth Obedient Spirit-anointed ‘Israel’ ‘New Adam’ resurrected by Father & Spirit Firstborn from... the dead … over all creation.

Jewish Eschatological Expectations Present Age: Broken Creation Coming Age: New Creation Sin Sickness Death Chaos No Spirit Righteousness Wholeness Life/Resurrection Shalom Holy Spirit

Jesus’/NT Eschatological Expectations: Present Age: Broken Creation Between Times: The Church Coming Age: New Creation Sin Sickness Death Chaos No Spirit Future existence ALREADY by the Spirit Righteousness Wholeness Life/Resurrection Shalom Holy Spirit Begun → → → Consummated

“Walking” by the Spirit = Embodied Empowered Cruciform Preview of New Creation