It’s on the floor. It’s on the floor. It’s on the floor. seventh It’s on the floor. It’s on the floor. sixth It’s on the floor. fifth fourth It’s on the floor. It’s on the floor. third It’s on the floor. second first It’s on the floor.
Bank Restaurant Richard ball’s Book store Bakery PC room Theater Clothes store PC room theater bakery clothes store bank restaurant book store Where is ? fifth sixth fourth seventh first third second It’s on the floor.
Clothes store book store restaurant bakery PC room clothes store theater bank Where is ? Theater PC room Bakery Richard ball’s Book store Restaurant Bank
Bank Restaurant Richard ball’s Book store Bakery PC room Theater Clothes store Bank Restaurant Richard ball’s Book store Bakery PC room Theater Clothes store theater clothes store PC room book store bank restaurant bakery Where is ?
Bank Restaurant Richard ball’s Book store Bakery PC room Theater Clothes store Bank Restaurant Richard ball’s Book store Bakery PC room Theater Clothes store theater clothes store PC room book store bank restaurant bakery Where is ?