Your Spiritual GPS Where are you? & Where do you want to be? Where are you? & Where do you want to be?
1. Are you content with who you are becoming? 1.Never 2.Seldom 3.Sometimes 4.Often 5.Always
2. How confident are you in knowing your unique gifts & calling? 1.Never Confident 2.Seldom Confident 3.Sometimes Confident 4.Often Confident 5.Always Confident
3. Do you have a good spiritual diet? 1.Never 2.Seldom 3.Sometimes 4.Often 5.Always
4. Are you satisfied with the results from the time you are giving to your major life commitments? 1.Never 2.Seldom 3.Sometimes 4.Often 5.Always
5. Would you describe your life as a “joyful” life? 1.Never 2.Seldom 3.Sometimes 4.Often 5.Always
What is your Spiritual GPS location? (Enter you score now.) “Help, I’m lost!” “Don’t ask me!” “Ahhh…that way!” “We’re close!” “Follow me!”
Final Instructions from Jesus 1.Be a Servant Leader – John 13 2.Preparation for His Absence – John 14 3.Vine, Branches & Vine Dresser – John 15 4.Ministry of the Holy Spirit – John 16 5.Prayer for His Disciples & Unity – John 17
John 15:1-2 I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.
The Secrets of The Vine GPS – God’s Prioritization System 1. Time & Life Management 2. Productivity & Fruitfulness 3. Lasting Joy & Fulfillment in Life GPS – God’s Prioritization System 1. Time & Life Management 2. Productivity & Fruitfulness 3. Lasting Joy & Fulfillment in Life
A Picture of Your Life The Vine (Jesus) The Branches (You) Vine Dresser (The Father)
What are the Major Branches (Time Commitments) in Your Life? Things that Require Mental, Emotional, Physical &/or Spiritual Energy Family/Relatives Friends Work/Career Possessions Personal Care/Devel. Church/Volunteer The Big Rocks in your Jar of Life
So what does Jesus mean by “Fruit”? Fruit = Good Work They both are used interchangeably in the Bible Good Works = a thought, attitude or action that pleases God and glorifies Him. Things that Work because their God’s will Ephesians 2:10... you were “created in Christ Jesus for good works.” Fruit = Good Work They both are used interchangeably in the Bible Good Works = a thought, attitude or action that pleases God and glorifies Him. Things that Work because their God’s will Ephesians 2:10... you were “created in Christ Jesus for good works.”
How would you describe the fruit bearing for God in your life? 1.I’m bearing LITTLE or NO fruit for God 2.SOME fruit but it could be better 3.I’m bearing LOTS of fruit in my life 1.I’m bearing LITTLE or NO fruit for God 2.SOME fruit but it could be better 3.I’m bearing LOTS of fruit in my life
God’s Plan for Fruitfulness PRUNING! God’s Prioritization Process (GPS) God’s Prioritization Process (GPS)
Why Pruning? Energy & Resource Management More Sunlight – Margin Increase Fruit Size & Quality Encourage New Fruit to Develop Energy & Resource Management More Sunlight – Margin Increase Fruit Size & Quality Encourage New Fruit to Develop
Pruning 1. The “No Fruit” Branches John 15:2a He cuts off very branch of mine* that doesn’t bear fruit The “Fruit Bearing” Branches to Produce “More” Fruit John 15:2b... and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 1. The “No Fruit” Branches John 15:2a He cuts off very branch of mine* that doesn’t bear fruit The “Fruit Bearing” Branches to Produce “More” Fruit John 15:2b... and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.
Is God Pruning Something in your Life? Ask: “Where does it hurt?” Discomfort says: “Pay Attention Here” Ask: “Where does it hurt?” Discomfort says: “Pay Attention Here”
Is God pruning something in your life right now? 1.Yes 2.No 3.I’m not Sure 1.Yes 2.No 3.I’m not Sure
How many days did you fast (full or partial) from a meal and/or other pleasures in order to pray & seek God? 1.One Day 2.Two Days 3.Three Days 4.Four Days 5.Five Days 6.Six Days 7.None
How many prayer meetings did you attend during the Week of Prayer & Fasting? 1.One 2.Two to Three 3.Four to Five 4.Six or More 5.None
Do you feel like you had a special encounter with God this week? 1.Yes 2.No
Spur pruning Cane pruning
Cane Pruning Thompson Seedless, Black Monukka, Fantasy Seedless, Fiesta, Golden Muscat, Concord and Crimson Seedless, Chardonnay, and Gewuztraminer are all cane pruned because the basal buds of each cane are not fruitful. You have to leave a long cane that has between 10 and fourteen buds. Cut As a general rule, leave 4-6 canes per vine. The more vigorous the vine more canes you can leave. If you vine is weak then leave fewer canes. Chose canes that are 3/8-5/8ths inch in diameter and that are on top of the vine and exposed to light.
Spur pruning There are two fruiting canes (this years growth) originating from each spur (a cane shortened, usually to two nodes, although it may be between one and four nodes, in the previous years pruning). The cane furthest away from the cordon is completely removed, the one nearest is shortened to two nodes to produce next years spur, which will generate the two new fruiting canes. There are a number of spurs along the cordon, providing sufficient quantity of fruit. Cane pruning: Here the vine has a two year old cane which generates many more fruiting canes during the growing season, and a spur giving origin to two canes. At pruning the two year old cane, and consequently much of this years growth, are completely removed. Of the two canes originating from the spur, the one closest to the cordon is pruned to leave a replacement two node spur, whereas the cane further away is left intact, although shortened. This is next years two year old cane.