Dominic Deichert
Ford Model T designed to use pure ethanol Today, a fuel additive to decrease gaseous emissions An AKI octane number of to commercial gasoline average is 87 A functional unit of 1.5 gallons ethanol to 1 gallon gasoline
Can be grown annually in most regions Current production is 1,243,000 acres giving 22.2 tons/acre beets (27,537,000 tons beets) Studies of French sugar beet ethanol suggests 750 gallons ethanol per acre gallons per acre of sugar cane in Brazil. One downside: Cost is 2-3 times as much for sugar beet ethanol compared to sugar cane
Sugar Beets: gallons/acre Need 1.51x current production for 1% Losses due to fertilizer, pesticide, and machine use: 18.2% Corn: gallons/acre Need 3.6% current production for 1% Losses due to fertilizer, pesticide, and machine use: 32.2%
Processing Sugar Beet Losses: 32.9% Corn Losses: 58.1% Overall Losses Sugar Beet: 51.1% Corn: 90.4%
Ethanol is a tested immediate solution to cut emissions Sugar beets have highest productivity of ethanol per acre and are suited for the U.S. Both processes are the same with an additional step to break up starch into sugar Sugar beets are better than corn from an energy standpoint