There will be considerable reduction in Steam % cane, resulting in savings of Bagasse / Increase in export power in cogeneration power plant by the way of controlling steam to evaporators / pans.
Due to.. Auto Lime Feeding Optimum Juice Temperature 3. Regulating Vacuum for cake formation IMPROVEMENT IN RBHR AS A RESULT OF REDUCTION IN LOSS OF SUCROSE,
Regulating Juice level in Evaporator Regulating steam / Vapour in Evaporator for uniform brix Regulating fan feed according to conductivity Maintaining uniform / optimum melt brix and condition of molasses.
There will be substantial reduction in man power resulting in better and effective utilization of man power.
There are many benefits resulting from Sugar Plant Automation which could not be quantified in terms of savings, but would help in improvement of plant performance.
Reduced mill extraction would improve due to fine and continuos control of mill / carrier load / speed
Crushing rate would become more uniform & continuous resulting in smooth operation of plants.
This would also result in reduction of down time of mills & other crushing equipments & eventually reduction of losses / man power.
The Distributed Control System is Fed with enormous amount of data regarding plant operation. The data stored can be retrieved and used for analysis regarding equipment / plant performance.
Automation of Sugar Plant will open flood gates to acquire latest technologies / trends Examples 1. Automatic Generation of Reports 2. Remote Monitoring of Plant Performance.
The entire plant can be Automated OR Plant can be Automated Section Wise
Mills & Preparatory Devices Juice Section Liming & Sulphitation Clarification / Filter DIFFERENCE SECTIONS FOR AUTOMATION
K Evaporators K Pans K Crystallisers pugmills & Centrifugal K Molasses Tanks
Proportional control of Imbibition water flow rate with respect to crushing rate IMBIBITION CONTROL
MILL CONTROL SPEED CONTROL The First Mill Speed Control comes with respect to crushing rate and Donolly Chute level of Second Mill
CANE CARRIER SPEED CONTROL This Control comes with respect to rake carrier speed and all cane preparatory devices
EVAPORATOR JUICE LEVEL CONTROL The Optimum Calendria Level Maintains with respect to juice brix
EVAPORATOR CALELDRIA PRESSURE CONTROL This Steam Pressure Control comes with respect to Caleldria Pressure and juice brix
The Evaporator body brix maintains with respect to brix of the syrup in the same body EVAPORATOR BRIX CONTROL
SECOND BODY VAPOUR CONTROL Vapour pressure in second body maintains by opening the steam valve to pan floor and juice heater
MOLASSES CONDITIONER TEMPERATURE CONTROL Steam inlet to Molasses Conditioner maintains with respect to molasses temperature
MOLASSES CONDITIONER BRIX CONTROL Hot water flow to Molasses Conditioner is controlled with respect to molasses brix
MELTER TEMPERATURE CONTROL Steam flow to melter is controlled with respect to melt temperature
MELTER BRIX CONTROL Hot water flow to melter is controlled with respect to melt brix
PUG MILL LEVEL CONTROL Pug mill level maintains by controlling the discharge valve of crystalisers
CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES FEED CONTROL Pug mill discharge valve is controlled with respect to load of continues centrifugal machines
CONTINUOS PAN VAPOUR CONTROL Vapour inlet to the pan is controlled with respect to massecuite brix in the last compartment
CONTINUOS PAN LEVEL CONTROL Massecuite outlet is controlled with respect to massecuite level in the last compartment
CONTINUOS PAN MOLASSES CONTROL Massecuite flow to the second compartment controlled with respect to brix of massecuite in second and third compartment
CONTINUOS PAN HOT WATER CONTROL Hot water inlet to the ninth compartment is controlled with respect to massecuite brix in the last compartment
BATCH PAN STEAM CONTROL Steam inlet to the pan is controlled with respect to Vapour pressure buildup in the pan
BATCH PAN WATER CONTROL Water inlet to the pan is controlled with respect to massecuite brix
BATCH PAN FEED CONTROL Syrup / Massecuite inlet to the pan is controlled with respect to massecuite brix
TRANSIENT HEATER HOT WATER CONTROL Hot water flow is controlled with respect to temperature transient heater
VACUUM FILTER DRUM SPEED CONTROL Drum speed control comes with respect vacuum filter saucer level
VACUUM FILTER HIGH VACUUM PRESSURE This control comes with respect to vacuum filter high vacuum
VACUUM FILTER LOW VACUUM PRESSURE This control comes with respect to vacuum filter low vacuum
VACUUM FILTER TROUGH LEVELCONTROL This control comes with respect to vacuum filter trough level
LIME FLOW CONTROL Lime flow control comes with respect to crushing rate and juice pH
JUICE SULPHITOR SO 2 CONTROL Sulphated juice pH maintains by controlling the flow of so 2 in terms of controlling the flow sulphur to the furnace.
SYRUP SULPHITOR SO 2 CONTROL Sulphated syrup pH maintains by controlling the flow of so 2