WHAT OTHER WAYS CAN PLANTS REPRODUCE OTHER THAN SEEDS? What if there were no seeds? How will the Plants be saved? Will Singapore be rid of plants? But look, here are the other methods of reproduction!
LAYERING blackberries and multiflora roses (plants that use layering as a reproductive method) produce long, drooping canes. the canes make contact with the soil begin to take root and form new plants. In the case of the multiflora rose, this is a second means of replication, because the plant also produces seeds
RHIZOMES is a laterally growing underground stem that originates from just beneath the crown of the parent plant Travels a genetically predetermined distance will break through to the soil surface, take up as the permanent root and begin to produce a new plant.
SPORES Spores are usually found under the leaves of ferns or mosses, are contained in a spore bag The light spores will be blown and carried away easily by the wind When the spores settle on a moist space, they will germinate and develop (Inspired by the Cycles textbook page 29 & 30)
MARCOTTING Sometimes, there are large flowering plants like Mango, where it takes years just to become an adult plant, that need special reproduction to make it faster - called Marcotting. a ring of bark around a part of the plant is removed. Then, either a plastic sheet/a coconut husk with good soil inside it wraps around the cut. When roots develop, the branch is cut off and planted in soil.
RUNNERS Strawberries and runner beans produce laterally growing stems known as runners travel along the surface of the soil tip of a runner lodges in an acceptable growing space, it roots and forms a new plant.
STEM CUTTING Sugar cane is commonly used for our sugar cane drink that we usually consume when thirsty. If you see it before made into our beverages, it looks like a bamboo pole. However, how can a “bamboo pole” reproduce? Sugar cane is reproduced by stem-cutting. A portion of the stem is cut off from the parent plant and planted in the soil. The new plant produces flowers and fruits of the same quality as the parent plant.
QUIZ TIME! Which two plants reproduce by layering? Ans: Blackberries and Multiflora rose What is the best place for spores to grow? Ans: Moist place What are the procedures of marcotting? a ring of bark around a part of the plant is removed. Then, either a plastic sheet/a coconut husk with good soil inside it wraps around the cut. When roots develop, the branch is cut off and planted in soil. According to our slides ,do bamboo reproduce by stem cutting? Ans: We did not put that in our slides! YOU WERE NOT LISTENING!!!
Credits www.ehow.com.sg www.wikipedia.com.sg www.googleimages.com.sg Elaine’s science encyclopedia book Our brains, All our cool ideas and knowledge Our Science cycle textbook Our tuition teachers, teachers and parents.