Laser guided leveller Rotovator tractor Soil Pulveriser Automatic Nursery seedling machine Paddy weeder(2 Row) Paddy Transplanter(8 Row)
Direct Sowing Drum seeder Package Drum seeder- Fiber body Conoweeder Power operated Paddy weeder
Package of machinery under SSI scheme Sugar cane harvester with infield tractor for loading the harvested cane Sugar Cane Harvester 18.5 hp mini tractor with rotovator Sugarcane planter
Package of Machinery being supplied under Groundnut package Tractor with Rotovator Groundnut seed drill(gorru) Groundnut planter Groundnut thresher Groundnut digger cum shaker
Machinery proposed under Custom Hiring center for tobacco Vibrocultivator Ferti drill cum intercultivator Tobacco Transplanter
Spraying and Intercultivation machinery Knapsack mist blower Power sprayer Aeroblast Sprayer Power tiller sweep cultivator Self propelled Power weeder