Cane Ridge High School – ◦ Is a new school with rapidly changing needs as it adds its first senior class ◦ Has a new Executive Principal and has new leadership at other levels including its Academy teams ◦ Has implemented wall-to-wall academies as part of a larger district initiative to restructure high schools ◦ Will receive its first AYP measurement at the end of the school year ◦ Has a target of achieving “Model” status in the certification of each of its Career Academies
Developing and living a shared mission and goals Establishing a positive school culture and climate under new leadership Developing a highly functional Leadership Team that is committed to the improvement plan Developing and using a measurement system to continuously improve student performance Identifying the key processes that support mission and goals and ensuring the processes are well defined and measured Making AYP and Certifying each of the Career Academies as “Model” using the National Standards of Practice
Each of the challenges identified can be met by taking a “Systems Approach” to improving quality ◦ “Systems Approach” supported by AdvanceED District Accreditation process and the Baldrige criteria ◦ “Systems Approach” is also consistent with the Tennessee School Improvement Planning Process
Engaging in a Systems Approach requires understanding three concepts: ◦ Systemic Improvement – using and aligning the interdependent functions within and across the school to produce improvement ◦ Systematic Improvement – fostering improvement efforts that are regular and predictable at all levels of the schools ◦ Sustainable Improvement – maintaining and supporting improvements over time Source: Adapted from AdvancED Accreditation for Quality School Systems: A Practitioners’ Guide
Support the Vision of the District – Anyone know it? ◦ Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools will provide every student with the foundation of knowledge, skills, and character necessary to excel in higher education, work and life.
There are 3 Strands to Our Efforts ◦ Redesign of High Schools (physical space, scheduling, common planning times, etc.) ◦ Transform Teaching and Learning (formative assessments, differentiated instruction, etc.) ◦ Develop and Nurture Building and Community Support (branding our academies, business engagement, articulation agreements, etc.) Rate our progress on a scale of 1-10 in each of these areas.
Redesign of High Schools
Transform Teaching and Learning
Develop and nurture building and community support