CANE MEDIA Presented by Akhona Ngwane September 2013
Page 2 | CONFIDENTIAL THE BIG IDEA Today, the publishing is being forced to evolve. It is the dawn of rapidly changing environment in consumption of media. Other publishers can’t offer the same kind of value in marketing of brands. In fact, the new brand demands engagement, trust, value for money and transforms rapidly Cane media is an independent niche company that offers business publishing, business information and exhibitions & events, helping marketing brands engage with relevant communities, enabling conversations and converting business opportunities, both for our business audiences and for our advertising clients. THE OFFERING
Page 3 | CONFIDENTIAL WHO WE ARE ●We aim to be Africa leading niche information provider, connecting with business professionals through information, insight and innovation. ●Through a group of world class publications and conferences, Cane Media and its employees aim to provide companies with unparalleled sources of information and education. ●We continue to create a number of innovative publications and products, and we continue to grow strategically to support our initiatives. The most important thing to us is building products people love. R25 M PROJECTED GROWTH IN REVENUES R1.2 M YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 5 YEAR 4 R4.1 MR1.8 M R11.6 M R6.3 M
Page 4 | CONFIDENTIAL PRINT IS BIG ●Print is the original disruptive technology and brought knowledge to the masses Today print is the one of the largest industries in the world Print eclipses auto-manufacturing and is more than 18x bigger than video games While print technology and applications are certainly transforming, it is still growing every year worldwide PRINT INDUSTRY R6.4 Trillion BUSINESS PRINTING 6.8% growth every annually worldwide BUSINESS PRINTING 96% Of news reading is still in print
Page 5 | CONFIDENTIAL OUR STRATEGY – VISION & GOALS ●We operate currently in niche market financial sector ●Our core strategy is to lead our selected market communities with a diversified yet complementary portfolio of market-leading content-based marketing brands, events and business-critical information. ●We typically aim to achieve this by: −Creating leading information brands for high value professional and commercial markets −Reinforcing those brands through multiple brand extensions e.g. awards, summits, showcases, special reports, research, magazines, digital newsletters, databases. −Exploiting the premium route to markets offered by our marketing brands to enhance the market penetration
Page 6 | CONFIDENTIAL OUR CORE STRATEGIC GOALS Key areas of growth Business Publishing Business information Exhibitions/ Conferences Strong cash generations, operational efficiency, balance sheet and ROI
Page 7 | CONFIDENTIAL MEDIUM TERM TARGETS ● Priorities: −Continue scalability for effective growth −Invest further in business systems and data to support growth −Focus on new product-led growth initiatives −Acquire more resources to manage growth −Key strategic partnerships ●Some leading examples −Business publishing: Corporate Finance Africa Publication −Business Information:Web based data analysis −Exhibitions:Institutional Strategy INSIGHTS SCALE Build market leading positions in high Growth niche markets BALANCE Rebalance revenues towards digital, paid content, events EFFICIENCY Leverage scale to deliver rapid growth in margins and cash
Page 8 | CONFIDENTIAL THE PLAN FORWARD and discussion ●Quarter four highly dependent on successful implementation of exhibition/conferences ●Introduction of new three titles have potential to boost revenues ●Enhancing current portfolios for scalability ●Ambitious targets: double revenues and margins PROFORMA Quarter #3 Quarter #4 Quarter #1 Quarter #2 Business Publishing Auxillary services Exhibitions/Conferences Revenue %60%49% Operating expenses EBITDA KEY ACTIVITIES
Page 9 | CONFIDENTIAL THANK YOU Cane Media (Pty) Ltd P.O.Box 6685 ROGGEBAAI Reg: 2013/136026/07 cane_media canemedia ●Learning outcomes: ●Valuable key contacts ●Strategic brand marketing ●Legal, contracts, SLAs, Human capital ●Value unique proposition ●Q & A
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