AP World History New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania


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Presentation transcript:

AP World History New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Chapter 25

I. Conquest of the New World

II. Conquest of the Aztec Empire Hernan Cortez & 450 men conquer the Aztec empire, 1519-1521 How were 450 Spanish able to conquer the mighty Aztecs? Better Weapons ( Steel Swords, muskets, cannons, horses) Other indigenous people hated the Aztecs ( Dona Marina) Disease

The First Spanish Conquests: The Aztecs vs. Fernando Cortés Montezuma II

Cycle of Conquest & Colonization Official European Colony! Explorers Conquistadores Official European Colony! Missionaries Permanent Settlers

The Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 & The Pope’s Line of Demarcation

III. Conquest of the Incas Francisco Pizzaro (Conqueror of the Incas) Led a small band of men and toppled the Inca empire, 1532-1533 Held Inca ruler Atahualpa for ransom, then strangled him & decapitated him

Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

IV Labor Systems of the New World Encomienda- land grants to Spanish settlers with total control over local people & land

Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Colonial Society in the Americas Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil The Engenho Sugar mill in colonial Brazil Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

IV. Labor Systems Mita or repartmiento system- Spanish crown required 1/7 of male population to work for 4 months in Spanish mines or haciendas Debt Peonage- Spanish landowners advanced loans to native peoples to buy seed, tools, and supplies in exchange for labor

V. Sugar & Slavery in Brazil The Portuguese in Brazil depended on _Sugar_________. Engenho- term to describe the complex land, buildings, animals, , equipment, tools capital, & technical skills needed to make molasses& refined sugar from sugar cane Small pox devastated the indigenous population. Portuguese imported ___________________ for cane & sugar production

Significance of Silver Major resource of income for Spanish crown Manila Galleons take it to the Pacific rim for trading Very popular with Chinese markets Also trade in the Atlantic basin

The Influence of the Colonial Catholic Church Guadalajara Cathedral Our Lady of Guadalupe Guadalajara Cathedral Spanish Mission

The Virgin of Guadalupe

Treasures from the Americas!

The Colonial Class System Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Mulattos Native Indians Black Slaves

Slaves Working in a Brazilian Sugar Mill

Which of the following was most lethal for native Americans during early encounters with Europeans? Firearms Mounted troops Smallpox Steel swords Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Conquistadors were Entrepreneurs who financed Spain’s voyages of exploration Spanish conquerors of New World territories, such as Cortes and Pizarro Exporters of American food crops back to Europe Native American slaves sent back to Europe Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

From highest to lowest, the racial caste’s in Spain’s colonies were: Creoles, mestizos, & natives Peninsulares, mestizos, & creoles Peninsulares, creoles, slaves, & mestizos Peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, natives, & slaves Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.