Everything is Coming Up Roses LoAyne Voigt Renville County Extension Agent
Plant Survival Factors Temperature zones Freeze – thaw cycles Snow cover Sun scald Late spring frosts Road salts and pollutants
Hard to Determine Hardiness? Some people can grow certain kinds of roses, while others can’t. Zones are a starting point. We can also look at what our limiting factor may be and create a micro-climate.
Rose Types Bush Roses –Hybrid teas, floribundas, grandifloras Miniature and patio roses Ramblers and large flower climbers Winter hardy shrub roses –Both old fashioned & modern hybrids
Cold Hardy Roses May be that conventional rose bush that has survived the neglect and abuse of many gardeners (and non gardeners) over a number of years, one that our grandmothers may have planted or its stock –Hansa Rose –Persian Rose –Harrison’s Yellow Rose
Canadian Bred Roses Parkland Series Explorer Series Artist Series These are among the hardiest hybrids on the market!
Parkland Roses Developed at Morden Research Station. Goal was to develop roses hardy in the Prairie Provinces. Wider range of color Many have good disease resistance No climbers – not very fragrant Morden Centennial Rose
Explorer Series 22 cultivars Bred at Ottawa, Ontario, later Quebec Canadian explorers Mostly pinks & reds (a few yellows) Don’t bloom continuously Most are semi-double blooms Lambert Closse
The Artist Series… Independent rose breeders Research Station in Ottawa closed, and Morden really cut back Honors famous Canadian artists So far there are only two released Emily Carr Felix Leclerc
Site Selection Well drained with about 6-8 hours of sun Away from roots or shady areas Site is very critical for roses success If it does not adapt to location – move it
Site Preparation Good air movement – do not crowd Do poorly in high alkaline soils –Sulfur, manure, peat moss can amend high alkaline soils Like moisture; roots don’t like to be soggy Initially mix bone meal or super phosphate in the soil (nothing additional) Dig a nice deep hole, no crimping or bending of the roots
Watering Deep watering – once a week. Roses have deep roots 2 gallons/week Avoid wetting foliage as much as possible Make sure plant is dry by night fall
Fertilizing General Organic works great – lots of compost and manure Personally – I don’t use much commercial, instead use sheep manure Do not over apply the Nitrogen There are special rose mixtures, basically a ratio. e.g.: or A Good Schedule 1)First fertilization - early spring at clean up. 2)Right before first bloom – early June. 3)Mid- July 4)Stop fertilizing August 1 st. Roses need to harden off for winter.
Purchasing Plants Bare Root Keep roots moist at all times Keep cool and dark place Mix roots with dirt/mulch Before planting cut back broken or damaged roots Container Grown These are already growing Always remove the pot- even if the fiber type Minimize root disturbance
Deadheading Cut just above an outward facing 5- leaflet leaf on a cane strong enough to support a new bloom Stop deadheading after September 1