WATER ACCESS AND USE IN PANCHO MATEO A summary of urgent water needs following a cholera outbreak Principal Investigator: Heidi Sinclair Berthoud, Masters in Public Health Candidate, University of Washington School of Public Health, Investigators in Pancho Mateo: Willy Destin, Claudia Castillo, Manuel Vivera, Marc Evens
The Camu River Community members informed me that they need to bring water from the nearby river if/when they don’t have money to buy water or the tap water isn’t sent by the city water system. Garbage and human waste are deposited directly into this river from Pancho Mateo and surrounding communities, both upstream and downstream.
Water Points in Pancho Mateo Tap water from the local water company (CORAAPPLATA, which is the city water system) arrives at these points one or two times per year. These water points are in front of the old batey and lack connecting tubes and faucets to control the water when it does arrive.
Water Points in Pancho Mateo In this part of town, tap water arrives every three days, however we were informed that it only arrives in the middle of the night when no one is awake to collect it.
Water Points in Pancho Mateo Although water does arrive every three days, these points are not properly constructed to adequately collect water.
Water Points in Pancho Mateo Another example of inadequately constructed water points which lack a faucet, space for a bucket, or other collection method.
Cisterns in Pancho Mateo Some houses have their own cistern. These range in size. About half of those who have a cistern also lack tap water and must buy water or rely on rainwater to fill their cistern. Many cisterns are empty.
Cisterns in Pancho Mateo We estimate that there are approximately 15 private cisterns in Pancho Mateo.
Locations of Cisterns in Pancho Mateo
Rainwater Most people collect and store rainwater. This is stored in tanks or covered buckets.
Rainwater This is one clever example of rainwater collection and storage in a private cistern.
Private Pumps Some houses can afford to have their own private pump, which works only when the water is sent by CORAAPPLATA and the electricity is on.
Broken Pipes There are broken water pipes in some areas of Pancho Mateo. When the water arrives, it spills into the street creating mud and standing water which is also a Public Health concern.
Broken Pipes The majority of the broken pipes are not adequate for the water pressure. – The neighbors here told me that pipes on this street were placed by a foreign aid group and are designed to carry electrical cables, however for whatever reason they were installed to carry water.
Repairing Broken Pipes A neighbor capping the broken pipe on his street. This pipe will no longer spew water into the street, however it will also no longer carry water to the rest of the neighborhood.
Latrines Many people do not have a functioning latrine or bathroom in or near their house. Many people informed me that they use a cane field or other outdoor location to eliminate human waste.
CORAAPPLATA- Puerto Plata Aqueduct Water Treatment Plant- Water is treated here on a hillside above Montellano and travels via gravity directly to Puerto Plata. There is a small pump that diverts water to Caraballo (town up the road from Pancho Mateo), however I was informed that this pump is not strong enough to also pump water to Pancho Mateo.
Water Quality- Puerto Plata Aqueduct An on-site water test performed independently by the Ministry of Public Health showed that the level of chlorination in this water was at an acceptable level.
Montellano Spring and Pump We were informed that the Montellano (and Pancho Mateo) water comes from a large natural spring. Three large pumps bring the water out of the ground, but these only work there is electricity.
Montellano Spring Water Quality An on-site test performed independently by the Ministry of Public Health showed that both the chlorination level and PH balance were at acceptable levels.
Problems the Investigators Encountered The large pumps for the Montellano (Pancho Mateo) water system only work when the electricity is on. There is not enough pressure in the system for the water to arrive in all of Pancho Mateo. There are insufficient faucets and broken water pipes throughout Pancho Mateo. CORAAPPLATA does not seem to be highly motivated to address the lack of regular water in Pancho Mateo.
To Prevent Cholera and Improve the Water System in Pancho Mateo: 1.City water must be sent regularly -A generator to run the city pump when the electricity is out may fill this gap. 2.Provide a system of functional water pipes. – Repair all broken pipes – Install connecting pipes and faucets to individual households – Create/repair community water points 3.Provide a system of latrines and septic tanks. 4.Implement a system to maintain improvements.
Thank you Health Horizons International/Horizontes de Salud Dr. de Pena, Dr. Marmolejos, and the Ministry of Public Health in Puerto Plata Research Investigators in Pancho Mateo Community Health Workers with Horizontes de Salud