Listening, reflecting, acting 2014 NH ARTS EDUCATION CONFERENCE
How we design learning experiences affects who is able and disable to learn
“ ” But I knew some kind of language or spoken text was happening somewhere around me…And the longer I stayed here the more uncomfortable I got… Leon, Deaf visitor at the Museum of Science
“ ” …I don’t want to be in people’s way and I don’t want to wait for them to go until the coast is clear. I want to enjoy the museum…So it became a big dignity issue for me…not feeling welcome…[and] not being treated as a human and not a child or a moron just because we’re blind. Art museum visitor who is blind
“ ” One of the most pervasive messages of my childhood was, ‘Not for you.’ That’s something that’s incredibly destructive for the life of a child. Places like science museums can dispel those messages more than almost any place else. I remember my few visits to museums as just wonderful. I believe everybody should have that experience. And I do mean everybody. Betty Davidson, Ph.D., former Museum of Science employee
“ ” …Just for the fact that by just feeling the things and listening to the questions and answers, I could solve the problems all by myself. That’s a really great feeling. Olivia, Museum of Science visitor who is blind
“ ” It just seems like everyone’s welcome here and I really—never really seen any restrictions based on anyone’s—based on anyone’s life choices, be they religious or otherwise, or their diseases they have. Seth, A science museum volunteer who uses a wheelchair
“ ” I get chills just thinking about it…Here’s an artist telling me what they were experiencing, what they were feeling, or what feeling they were trying to convey in the color and conception of this piece – whether it be painting of sculpture or whatever, breathing… Letting you be part of the moment. Art museum visitor who is blind
Inclusion is better for everyone
Defining inclusion Physical Cognitive Social
“ ” …Carrying a white cane, you kind of stand out… But, here, they do know what a white cane is. Rich’s experience at a science museum
“ ”... if he’s interested, I’m interested…
What would true inclusion look like in your educational setting?
There are actions you can take to facilitate change toward inclusion
Actions for Change Involve people with disabilities in your work Embed inclusive practices in your organization’s work and communication Engage in on-going experimentation and reflection about inclusive practices Promote inclusive practices as something that benefits people with and without disabilities
We must work together to make arts education inclusive for all