By: Ariana Covarrubias
Biome- China’s Mountain Forest Climate inches of rain each year. Humid most of the year because of the rainfall. warm temperate zone, it is hot and rainy in summer, cold and dry in winter Location- Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu, in China. Organisms- some of the organisms that can be found there are bamboo, Giant pandas, Red pandas, Golden monkeys, Tragopans, musk deer, Golden Cats, and snow leopards. Water features- lakes and waterfalls Land features- Mountains, snow, trees & bamboo
Location Rainforests
Description- Bamboo is a grass whose contents are about half water. Bamboo grows over 100 feet tall. And Grows high to reach the sunlight Habitat- Bamboo is found in different climate zones, from hot tropical regions to cold mountains.
Description- Bamboo rats measure cm. long and their tail is 6-8 cm. long. They weigh from grams or pounds Habitat- They live in grassy areas, forests, and sometimes in gardens. Food- Bamboo Rats eat bamboo, tea bushes, sugar cane, and tapioca. Predators- some are humans and pandas
We shouldn’t be concerned about bamboo rats because there are so many rats that communities don’t know how to control the problem. Bamboo rats ruined local stocks of yarn for weaving, they finished goods like blankets and clothing, and they also cause diseases, and contaminate water. They also bit people while they are sleeping. Status
Second-level- Giant Pandas Description-. black and white relative of bears. They measure inches and lbs. Males are usually 10 percent larger than females Habitat- China’s rainforests Predators- Some are Golden Cats, Musk Deer, and humans Food- herbs, tree bark, bamboo rats, bamboo, and they usually get their water from bamboo, but they sometimes get their water from licking the snow. Adult pandas Baby Panda
When the panda is born it’s pink, blind, and helpless, it's the size of a rat. At two years old the cubs first task is to find its own home. A panda mother is 900 times heavier than her new born cub. Baby Pandas
Giant pandas are endangered animals. People can stop that by not hunting down pandas and by not burning down their habitat. Status & People
Adaptations The Giant Panda has a sixth thumb that allows it to grasp Bamboo better for eating. It also helps the Panda pull the shoots and leaves off of Bamboo stems. It is a very important adaptation for the Panda to be able to eat so much Bamboo.
Small birds Bamboo rats Wolves Humans Giant Pandas BambooFruits (berries) Leopards Fungi
**Questions** #1- What is one of the panda’s predators? Any- Golden Cats, snow leopards, Musk deer, and humans #2- What is the climate in the rainforest? Mostly rainy /humid #3- What are some of the water or land features that the rainforest has? Mountains, snow, trees, bamboo, lakes, waterfalls #4- How tall can bamboo be? Up to 100 feet tall #5- What two ways do pandas get their water? By bamboo and by licking the snow